Thanksgiving is about a month away and I am celebrating early. With the state of politics, the economy, and the world, it is so easy to be overcome with worry, negativity, and despair. So, I am having to purpose to remind myself that God knows exactly where I am and that whatever my future, He will be with me. Additionally, I choose gratitude. I am blessed beyond measure and thanking God for it, and living in a grateful manner not only blesses God, but it helps me get my perspective straight.
I am already listening to Christmas music. And while I may tire of the "Christmas-y" sound..I will never tire of the message of God's amazing love for all the world. I hope that I can impart that same sense of gratitude to my children. I don't want them to think that Christmas is all about the toys, lights, and Santa Claus alone..but I want them to understand that a miracle took place a long time ago. My mind cannot comprehend how the God that created the heavens, the earth, and the galaxies near and far would choose to put on flesh and come into this world with rags on his tiny body. How He could grow up in a natural, earthly family, start his ministry on earth working miracles, and then ultimately give His life to pay for all the wrong that I, Jennifer, have done.
I am not sure I have ever fully appreciated just what He did for me...just me. He did it for everyone else too, but he did it for ME. He filled me with His Spirit when I was five years old. I understood that I wanted Him enough to surrender to Him at an early age and my life has been blessed more than I can say. But at five, I couldn't fully comprehend His sacrifice of death for me. As a parent, I think I understand it a little more. There is nothing that I wouldn't do to save either Jonah or Jude, and to think that God loves me much more than I could ever love them is overwhelming and humbling.
This evening, Lesh taught about remembering our first love of Jesus Christ and instructed us to not let our passion, devotion or affection for Him fade. I think that living a life of gratitude helps us keep those critical elements front and center.
This song by the Martins is a beautiful reminder to us to not forget the cross:
May We Never Forget
By The Martins
Verse 1
The story's so familiar
We've heard it all before
Some days it seems like nothing's sacred anymore
Despite the best intentions
Somewhere along the road
We've come to take for granted
this truth that we know
May we never forget
The cross and the blood
The price that was paid so that we might live
May we never forget
The cost of this love
He'll never forsake us
He'll always forgive
May we never forget
Verse 2
So let us decide right here , right now
To refresh our memory
Of how it felt to be lost,
and how it feels to be free
The grace of our God
The wealth of His mercy outpoured
Forgive us , Lord
Forgive us
Chorus 2
If we ever forget
Your cross and Your blood
The life that You gave so that we might live
May we never forget
The cost of Your love
You'll never forsake us
You'll always forgive
May we never , never ever forget