Saturday, November 29, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

French Fries Not Equal to Vegetables

Legal Disclaimer - The conversation you are about to read is true;
the names have been changed to protect the innocent (or guilty).

Some Wife: What are you guys doin'?

Some Husband: Eating fishsticks and french fries with the boys.

Some Wife: Have they had any vegetables today?

Some Husband: Yeah.

Some Wife: What vegetables?

Some Husband: Potatoes.

Some Wife: made potatoes?

Some Husband: The french fries. They had potatoes in the french fries.

Much eye rolling and conversation ensued...somewhere out there.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Field Trip

Lesh is with the boys during the day now since I am working for CWI. They accompanied him on a series of church errands on Monday, but they made a detour to the Department of Transportation. The museum is closed on Mondays, but they were still able to see the trains outside..they LOVED it. They are all about "anything Thomas" currently. Come to find out, our good friend Therese(manager), was actually in the office and could have let them in. If you visit, say hello to her! She's a super lady. Needless to say, they had a great time climbing and exploring.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

DARLING little boy!

This is the cutest thing I have seen in forever.

Monday, November 17, 2008

A Decade

This Friday marks our tenth wedding anniversary. It's's cliche, I know, but he's still "the one". I still love him for the same reasons I loved him ten years ago: He's the most handsome man in the world. He's strong, talented, compassionate, gentle, keen, not afraid to cry, and he loves me..I have never doubted his love or the commitment he made to me, and that is a rare and beautiful devotion. He is not proud, or below any task. He's easy to be with..we laugh together, cry together, play together, work together (a lot), and we dream together.

And after ten years, I love him for a lot more reasons: He's a great husband, an awesome pastor, a great photographer, and the best dad that Jonah and Jude could dream up.

Here are a few memories from the last ten years:

Monday, November 10, 2008

My Boys & Faith

They are growing so fast. Jonah speaks like a smart boy now..not a toddler. He is really sensitive, intuitive, and loves his mother. :) He will still get in my arms and let me hold him like a baby and cuddle...can't tell you how much I love this. When he wants hugs and affection, he hugs me and says "love, love, love" in this cartoon-like's hilarious and sweet. He is learning to write letters, create snowflakes out of white paper, and much more.

Jude is developing "attitude". He now says "Stop that Mommy!", sometimes in frustration, and sometimes because he knows it amuses me. I'm having to put my "mean mom" face on and correct him (even though it's pretty funny and I just want to laugh.) I don't want him to be a spoiled brat. He's also learning to say "sawwy mommy" (translated: Sorry Mommy) because he gets in his share of mischief. He has a temper and still does the whole screeching gig if he doesn't get his way. So we ask him to leave the room, and go to his room if he wants to behave like that. He's started just walking to his room and then coming back when he's ready to behave calmly. He seems to understand it's a time out..a chance for him to deal with his own stuff and then come back to be with his family. Most of the time, he returns repentant. He doesn't play alone often..he's never really been alone. Jonah plays independently really well, but he's the first child, so I guess that makes sense.

With Christmas approaching, I am trying to find creative ways to teach my boys about what Christmas really is..a celebration of the birth of the Savior of the world. I've been explaining to them that Jesus is the best gift we receive. Thursday evening, I told them they, Jonah and Jude, were gifts from God to their daddy and me. They got a kick out of that..especially Jonah. Anyway, I'm hoping they will equate that in some way to the fact that Jesus was an incredible gift to both Mary and Joseph, and to the world. If you have taught your children about Christmas in some unique way, please share with us!

On a side note, while at Wal-Mart this evening, I noticed that they are selling Focus on the Family dolls (Barbie sized) called Messengers of Faith. One is Jesus and one is Mary. They quote scripture passages out of Luke and John and you can bend their arms and legs like you would a Barbie doll. In researching them online, I came across this review. As much as I would like for the boys to have the Jesus doll, I may only get the other dolls and leave the Jesus doll for others to purchase. (In looking at the dolls on the website, I don't see any blue eyes on Jesus..the dolls may have been altered. Still think I will just look into getting the other biblical characters.)
I love my boys..they are a delight to us. It sounds cliche but children really are a blessing straight from the heart of God. Each night when I put them in bed, I pray over each one of them and let the boys hear me thanking God for them. I think that is really important in helping them understand their value to you as a parent, and as a child of God. It's also gives them a sense of security.
Also, instead of just praying over them, I have been letting them kneel next to me by Jonah's bed so that they can pray with me. They need to learn to communicate with God in their own way, and for the needs of others. I don't want them to think that prayer is all about asking God for things..a Santa Claus kind of God. I want them to come to understand that He is their friend and that they can talk to Him as easily as they talk to me. Pretty amazing thing to try to teach. I also want them to understand that we should pray for others...that we do not serve God alone..but that we are a part of a really large international church body. I sing praise to God and worship around the house so that they see that it's not just something we do at's a lifestyle. All of life can be worship.
Parenting is the most awesome, exciting, daunting challenge ever. How are you teaching your children about faith? Would love to hear your input!

Friday, November 7, 2008

More on the election and a call to prayer!

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Ironically, many people are saying that Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream came true on November 4, 2008. Somehow, I don't think Barack Obama was elected by people based on the content of his character, but rather because of the color of his skin. I certainly understand this is a historic day. It is a day that needed to come. It's a day of hope for many people. I don't wish to diminish it's power. But it should not have come at the expense of the good of our nation. I do not believe we should vote for someone based on the color of their skin. I believe that we should vote for someone on the content of their character and that their skin color should not have been a factor. If a man of stellar character such as Alan Keyes (who values all human life) had been the winner, I would have been shouting in the streets about how incredible a victory it was that a man of such incredible integrity and intelligence was elected..and yes, that he was the first African American to be elected. Instead, we elected someone who was better at influencing the masses.
This whole election has been very baffling to me. I fear that our nation voted naively for "change." We're going to get change, but probably not the kind that we have been hoping for. I am too young to remember the Carter Presidency, but this wise woman is not. She has a unique perspective on what this coming Presidential term may be like.
Whatever my personal thoughts, Barack Obama needs our prayer more than ever before. This post has some great prayers that you can adopt and pray for our President Elect. As the church, we have an incredible responsibility. I believe that God will use this time to wake the church up and get us doing what we are supposed to be doing...praying and working. Another pastor said that this result may create a spiritual vacuum in our nation, and we need to be available to be the workers to gather the harvest. We can look forward with hope, not because Barack Obama will bring it, but because God can do incredible things through His people in any season. We can be a part of true "change" - the change that comes about when God's people pray. Join with me!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Circus Tix

UPDDATE! We won!!! We are so excited!! Jude is going to see "El-a-fons" for real!! They are on cloud nine..special thanks to Dana!! Will post some pictures after the big night.


Dana from is giving away circus tix. This is my boys asking to be chosen! :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Presidential Election & Racism

It has been a long two years and I am grateful this day has come to an end. It is no secret that I hoped John McCain would be elected. Many conservatives are consoling themselves that although their candidate was not chosen, "history was made" and racism was overcome. As much as I am grateful that some in our nation rose above the sin of racism and dared to look beyond the color of skin, I fear that some voted purely based on race..proving that racism is very much still alive.

My reasons for not voting for Barack Obama had absolutely nothing to do with his race. I honestly could not care less his race or the color of his skin. I withheld my vote because he does not value human life. I withheld my vote because he believes that the hard working should be penalized and should share their earnings with those who are unemployed. I withheld my vote because he believes in government forced compassion. And I withheld my vote because he sought to penalize those with differing opinions, during his campaign, under the guise of a "fair campaign".

However, there are those who share my Christian beliefs with regard to homosexual marriage and the right of the unborn to live. Yet, because he shared their same skin color, they chose to cast their vote for him. That is racism..pure and simple. How could a Christian, in good conscience, vote for someone who does not defend human life just because he shares their skin color? We've not come so far after all.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

How NOT to Help the Poor

How NOT to help the poor -

I'm going to post my thoughts about this later, but "helping the poor" is a topic we've been hearing a lot about from presidential candidate Barack Obama. As Christians, we are instructed to help the poor. But what does "helping the poor" look like in a practical sense? This is a relevant topic for all pastors, ministers, Christians, and really all Americans.

Here's a question for you: Are you just a "drive-by minister" or are you a "face to face minister"?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Tired Momma!

This is me after an evening of Veggie Tales, Red Robin, and Walmart. I think I am finally ready for some wrinkle cream..I look old. I think this year has aged me..moving, building the church, stress, etc. When I get to heaven, I'll have a new hey!! ;-)

We are still unpacking will never end. At least we don't have to move in the foreseeable future. I really am grateful for that. Moving disrupts your life like nothing else. Still have to do all the address change stuff..dreading it.

Boys had a great time tonight with their friends Jaden, Madeline, Courtney, Shaely, Logan B., Logan S., Kayleigh, Miranda, and cousins Jocie (Jocelyn) and Jean Claire. We ran into Tiffany and Andrew Countaway and friends there's always fun to see old friends!!

It was a pretty good show..if you have to go to something like that. I wanted more BoyZ in the Sink songs but it was fun. Will post pics when Aunt Julia and Holly post more pics.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Boys are gonna rock!

The boys and I are going to Veggie Tales tomorrow evening with family and friends. They are are so excited about seeing Bob, Larry and Jr. I haven't taken Jude to anything like this before, but he has "grown up" so much in the last month and half or so that I think he's ready for it. He's talking like's still wierd to hear thoughts and complete sentences coming out of the mouth of your baby! It's fun and interesting and a little bitter too. Their personalites are apparent much earlier than when they start speaking, but it's hilarious to hear their words and thoughts matching their already well known personalities.

It is also amazing to me how much Jude learns from Jonah. Jonah has been very concerned for quite some time now ..."Who is bigger? Who is the boss? Who is "littler" than me?" Non stop... I lifted Jude up to stand on top of our kitchen island the other day so that I could fix his pants or something and he exclaimed "I taller you!", accompanied by the most proud grin ever. Lesh was standing there and caught it too..we cracked up.


A note for the grandmas..Jude peed on the toilet Tuesday night for the first time. I made a huge deal of it. Think of all the money I could save not having to buy diapers!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Tim Hawkins Clip friend Anita sent this to me and it's just so funny. If your church sings contemporary praise and worship music, you're going to crack up.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Two little blessings I am thankful for

My First Love, and Gratitude

According to this link, gratitude is a huge factor in happy living.

Thanksgiving is about a month away and I am celebrating early. With the state of politics, the economy, and the world, it is so easy to be overcome with worry, negativity, and despair. So, I am having to purpose to remind myself that God knows exactly where I am and that whatever my future, He will be with me. Additionally, I choose gratitude. I am blessed beyond measure and thanking God for it, and living in a grateful manner not only blesses God, but it helps me get my perspective straight.

I am already listening to Christmas music. And while I may tire of the "Christmas-y" sound..I will never tire of the message of God's amazing love for all the world. I hope that I can impart that same sense of gratitude to my children. I don't want them to think that Christmas is all about the toys, lights, and Santa Claus alone..but I want them to understand that a miracle took place a long time ago. My mind cannot comprehend how the God that created the heavens, the earth, and the galaxies near and far would choose to put on flesh and come into this world with rags on his tiny body. How He could grow up in a natural, earthly family, start his ministry on earth working miracles, and then ultimately give His life to pay for all the wrong that I, Jennifer, have done.

I am not sure I have ever fully appreciated just what He did for me...just me. He did it for everyone else too, but he did it for ME. He filled me with His Spirit when I was five years old. I understood that I wanted Him enough to surrender to Him at an early age and my life has been blessed more than I can say. But at five, I couldn't fully comprehend His sacrifice of death for me. As a parent, I think I understand it a little more. There is nothing that I wouldn't do to save either Jonah or Jude, and to think that God loves me much more than I could ever love them is overwhelming and humbling.
This evening, Lesh taught about remembering our first love of Jesus Christ and instructed us to not let our passion, devotion or affection for Him fade. I think that living a life of gratitude helps us keep those critical elements front and center.

This song by the Martins is a beautiful reminder to us to not forget the cross:

May We Never Forget
By The Martins

Verse 1
The story's so familiar
We've heard it all before
Some days it seems like nothing's sacred anymore
Despite the best intentions
Somewhere along the road
We've come to take for granted
this truth that we know

May we never forget
The cross and the blood
The price that was paid so that we might live
May we never forget
The cost of this love
He'll never forsake us
He'll always forgive
May we never forget
Verse 2
So let us decide right here , right now
To refresh our memory
Of how it felt to be lost,
and how it feels to be free

The grace of our God
The wealth of His mercy outpoured
Forgive us , Lord
Forgive us

Chorus 2
If we ever forget
Your cross and Your blood
The life that You gave so that we might live
May we never forget
The cost of Your love
You'll never forsake us
You'll always forgive
May we never , never ever forget

Monday, October 13, 2008

Boys n' Pumpkins

We took the boys to a pumpkin farm on Friday afternoon and had a great time.

I think the boys had a better time with the red wagon than anything else. Jonah wanted to pull it and Jude wanted to ride. Everyone was happy.

Teeter titer fun!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Husband = Diverse

My husband is diverse. He is a pastor, photographer, heavy equipment operator, cook, ditch digger, renovates homes, fly fisherman, internet surfer, paints, builds, teaches, and used to model get paid for looking handsome in cool clothes. He is up for any task, not above any task, and one of the most hardworking individuals I have ever met. This is a shout out to the man I love most. You rock babe.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Love this kitchen!

This picture is kind of dark, but it is so fun to work in.

Got this sink on Ebay for the price of a salad bowl..which it looks like. :)

Over the last year and half, Lesh, my dad and several others remodeled the parsonage. It was a 30+ year old home that had probably never been updated. The previous owners were elderly and were not able to maintain the property, leading to them selling it. In fact, the home had been vacant for quite some time. When we first visited the property, we LOVED the land, but the home which was positioned on the back right corner of the property, was badly outdated on the exterior, and in need of a new roof, siding, gutters, and garage doors (never had any) It was downright scary on the inside. Won't tell you all the little things we found on the inside. Anyway, after much sweat, a little blood, and some tears too, it is 90% complete. To say it has been transformed is an understatement. Because of mold, we had to strip it down to the studs; for function, we moved and removed a few walls. I will post exterior photos after we do a little more work, but here are a two interior photos. We still have doors to paint, pictures to hang and decorating to do, but it feels like home. I cannot tell you how grateful we are to finally be in it. We are thankful that God allowed our church to have the resources to purchase it. That was a miracle in itself, and we are a few months away from being able to worship in our new church being built on the property! That is so exciting for our church. To see progress on the church, visit

Monday, October 6, 2008

"All Abawd the choo choo cat!"

Jonah and Jude are now officially addicted to the Thomas dvd's. I rented a few for them and now they beg for them daily. Jonah loves the latest one because it's a Christmas flick and in Jonah's words, "I love Christmas! And presents and..." Yep..he's figured out that he makes out like a bandit at Christmas. We'll have to dig out the Nativity dvd's soon so he remembers the true meaning of Christmas. Jude also loves Thomas and has been singing "All abawd the choo choo cat, all abawd the choo choo cat". Now I know you are wondering why he's saying choo choo cat instead of choo choo train. He's confusing a train with the bobcat- the landmover. Sunday, he made a turn and actually sang it correctly and I thought he was taking yet another step closer to being a little boy instead of a baby, but alas, today he's back to singing "choo choo cat" so I guess God is granting me a little more time for "choo choo cat". I feel like I'm one big oxymoron..some days I am begging for him to be potty trained and whine-less, and other days I want him to stay that squishy fresh faced bundle of love. Can't have it all..

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Global Warming Makes Me Fat!

This is just too funny..I'm on the way to church Sunday morning and our local FM talk radio station broadcasts these cheezy infomercials. The one featured this past Sunday was about how global warming was making us fat. Global warming is making me fat??? Now I have an excuse!! HEHEHEHE You just gotta laugh! Can't even make that up! The good news was that they had a cream I could apply to fatty parts of my body to make it all go away. LOL

Just heard that Al Gore was connecting our financial crisis with global warming too..oh gimme a break. Why are people still listening to him?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Headbanging to Veggie Tales

Night before last, at bedtime, the boys got rowdy and turned on their Boys in the Sink CD while I was gathering their bedtime snack. They cranked the volume and were jumping around dancing and laughing and having a big time. When I walked in the room, I told them to turn it off and calm down because "it's almost bedtime!" They ignored me and kept dancing, so I figured, if you can't beat'em, join'em. We were jamming out to Larry Boy..lots of electric guitar...metal sounding..I had my hair down and started head banging and they thought it was so funny. Jonah laughed until he got the hiccups. It just encouraged Jude more so he got on Jonah's bed and started jumping around like a little monkey. I played air guitar for a while and then went back to headbanging..then stopped when my head started hurting and the mother side of me took over. I feared I might experience actual brain damage from jostling my head around like that.

Fun times. :)

Read about Dana's funny episode related to discipline over at

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Economic Answer?

I am not an economic expert. I am listening to all the radio commentators, doing some reading on the internet news sources and trying to get more educated about it all. At first, I thought the bail out was unavoidable, but as I hear more details of the bailout, I think it may not be necessary, a good idea, or the right thing to do. We need reform in so many ways in this country. The only solution I have come up with on a personal level is to spend less and pray a lot more. As much as economic stress will hurt everyone, it may be the only thing to draw our nation to Jesus Christ. 2 Chronicles 7:14

I find myself praying "Come Lord Jesus, come quickly!" But in order to pray that without guilt, I must do everything I can to share His gospel with those who do not know Him.

My great aunt sent the following forward to me with regard to the upcoming elections but I think it also applies to our economic status. It's a great reminder:

1. The Bible will still have all the answers. 2. Prayer will still work. 3. The Holy Spirit will still move. 4. God will still inhabit the praises of His people. 5. There will still be God-anointed teaching and healing. 6. There will still be singing of praise to God. 7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people. 8. There will still be room at the Cross. 9. Jesus will still love you. 10. Jesus will still save the lost.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Lovin' this!

We saw him do this about a year ago too, but didn't have a camera handy. He's holding his shirt up with his chin and reading (as much as a four year old can).

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Praying Monkeys

Do monkey's pray? Jonah wants to know. :)
Had a super day with my family. Got to visit with some of our extended family and enjoyed some great food.

The boys are watching a new "rented" Veggie Tales...Are you my Neighbor? They are "glued" to it. Yay for me..I can get some work done.
They are in bed now. :)
I have a personal dilemma. I hate dishcloths and dishtowels. I avoid using them at all costs. First, I think they are germ laden disgusting objects. Second, they always end up in the bottom of the sink(darling husband), stuck to a dish, or in some other gross situation. Third, I don't need one more item to fold at laundry time. I don't wash dishes by hand that much..only very large items that won't fit in the dishwasher, so I don't really need dishcloths. (I use those sponges, put them in the dishwasher and then toss them when they are too far gone) ..and I use the dry setting on my dishwasher thus eliminating the need for dish towels. So, I just use paper towels that are much more sanitary, in my opinion, and then I toss them. Yes, I do go through an inordinate amount of paper towels which leads me to my next dilemma. I try to be conscious of the environment in my own little ways, and I also try not to have unnecessary waste. Granted, I am not buying really expensive paper towels, ( those thick Viva ones but they aren't great for doing windows or mirrors..not that I do windows that often, but I do have to wipe down my glass covered coffee table, end table, and hall table pretty often..always covered with little sticky fingerprints) but I still feel a little guilty. But then I think, well am I making up for it by being able to use less water and electricity in the laundry? Probably not, because you don't wash a huge amount of washcloths or paper towels that often.
What is your solution? Do you share my phobia of dishcloths and dishtowels?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Crawfish Etouffe, Death AGAIN and The Outdoors

Jonah this picture even though it's a little dark.

Jude a couple of months ago..he's had a haircut since then, but I love that cute expression.

Do all four year olds talk about dying all the time? Tonight, both boys grabbed plastic walmart bags and were playing with them while I was unloading groceries. Jude acted as if he might put one over his head so I quickly took them away and instructed them to never do that. I told Jonah he could die from doing something like that. So he hops up on his stool and says, "well, if we die, we could go see Jesus! I want to go to heaven and see Jesus!" to which I replied, "it's not our time yet. He gets to decide when it's our time." And he whines a little longer about how he wants to go now. Are all four year olds this morbid? Good grief.

We had a super busy day today. A morning meeting I was to attend was re-scheduled for next week, but we still managed to work like crazy all day. I took the boys through a drive-thru and went to pick up a truck load of mulch. We came home and worked in the yard, digging holes and depositing the evergreens and wild grasses in them. Lesh dug a hole for the monster tree. I love that tree. It's a pine of some kind but it looks like something you might see in the west. I'll take a picture soon. We have to go back tomorrow and pick up more mulch. It's the dark stained kind and I love it. Still debating about edging our shrubbery beds with some sort of black rubber liner. (My throat has this irritating glob in it that I keep trying to cough out..fall allergies and the result of working in the yard all day, I guess. More claritin.)

Dinner meeting at some friends' home this evening and partook of crawfish etouffe that was awesome. Then a strawberry and cream pastry of some sort from Helfer' doesn't get much better than that. We've been working on the fine details of the Audio/Video/Lighting aspects of our new church building this week and it's exciting. A little scary too. And a lot expensive. We are trying to be careful stewards and yet be relevant with quality tools. I think we are all learning a tremendous amount.

Tonight when I was praying with my boys and putting them in bed, Jude took my hand and moved it back and forth to rub his sweet, little, smiling face. These moments are what make parenting worth it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Jonah and Heaven & Outside Restrooms

Jonah keeps asking questions about God and heaven. "Where is God? Is He big? How can He be in my heart if He is big? Can I see God? Can you see God? Does God have a truck? God is not in our house or our church. I cannot see Him. Is He bigger than the Giant Pickle? (Goliath, from Veggie Tales) Is He bigger than the Boogie Man? the Monsters on TV? (also Veggie Tales)"

His questions excite and also make me a bit nervous. I love that he is thinking about God and wanting to know more. But I also want to be sure that I am explaining things in a way that enables him to understand who God really is. I want to give clear, biblical answers..yet it needs to be in a vernacular a four year old can understand. I also don't want to give him a false impression of God that could potentially stay with him for his entire life.

Heaven is a little bittersweet for me, and I would venture to assume, for most adults. It is a place I dream about, long for, and fear just wee little bit. I want to go there, but I don't want to die or leave my family or friends. I want to see people who are already there and I want to see the awesome place God has created for us. Most of all, I want to see God.

Jonah asked me again tonight to pray that God would let him see heaven. That is a little heart wrenching! Of course I want him to go to heaven..but not quite yet? There are a multitude of feelings that swirled through my head as he waited for my answer. I had to carefully gauge my facial expressions too! I didn't want him to think heaven is a place he shouldn't want to go or that he should fear going there, or even the moment our life is over here. I told him he could go when God thought it was the right time. I also told him I thought it would be really cool if we could all go together and tried to be cheerful though there was a lump the size of a large baking potato in my throat. Wow..being a parent is just hard.

He asked if God would be taking us in a plane or a truck? I told him I wasn't sure..that we might fly there. He wanted to know if God had a big fire truck that He could take us all on. He said he wanted all of us to go on the big fire truck. I told him he could ask God. (He asks God for snow every night too.)

On the lighter side, he needed to use the restroom today while we were in our meeting at the new church to discuss lighting/audio/video setup. I told him he could go outside..I was thinking behind a bush or something.. I tended to Jude for a few moments and then looked around for Jonah and he's in the middle of the yard where at least neighbors from five different yards could see, with his shorts and underwear around his feet aiming for who knows what. Yes, we are raising little rednecks. I am from the bootheel after all!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Video Shout Out to Grammy & Papa Jake!

The boys saying "hi!"

Monday, September 15, 2008

Pine nuts, Paul Buchanan, Blessing and sweet kids

I am thankful today for the small and big things. To name a few...

My husband = best friend, partner in crime, strength, love of my life

My boys: Jude's "Hi Mommy!" in his most chirpy voice with a smile straight from the clouds. His snuggles are pure heaven. Jonah's constant praise - This week he's singing Glory Hallelu! and Still Standing. He inspires me daily. He loves to learn new things and to ask questions. His world is growing everyday.

Good Music - it really does calm, inspire, and spur me on creatively. (Paul Buchanan's voice on Are You Lonesome Tonight (with Chris Botti) is lovely, soulful..all in one song)

Pine nuts - they are awesome! Great on salads, in pasta dishes..yum.

Maple Grove Farms - Sesame Ginger dressing..."Where have you been all my life??!!" LUV it.

Dr. Thunder - yeah..I like cheap stuff too! Tastes good and it's great for the budget.

Good Friends - People that just don't have to say words. A smile or a hug is enough. My mother has a throw pillow on her coffee tablet that says something like "I'm rich in grandkids". I need one that says "I'm rich in friends."

Privacy - I can't tell you how much I appreciate having a home to ourselves again. My parents are awesome and were so kind to let us rent from them after we sold our North Meadow house. (Lesh's too.) But it's wonderful to be able to just have your own space for your own family. 'Nuff said.
To live in the United States of America - I would not want to live anywhere else. I am so grateful to have been born in this nation. It is not without problems..and extensive ones, but largely, it is blessed with incredible, loving, giving, compassionate people who value life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Have you considered the words that make up the Pledge of Allegiance lately? "One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Powerful words.

God - Some people believe Christians are weak.. that they need to use God as a crutch. Well, if He's a crutch, may I be the most crippled person in the world because I cannot live one day without Him and I don't ever want to try. He has blessed us in more ways than I can ever type. I have been praying "Come Lord Jesus" more and more...I yearn (yes yearn..there's not a better word for it) for Him. I want to know God more and more. It is indescribable to think that He created the galaxies, and that He knows every part of me and desires my friendship. David wrote that His thoughts for us outnumber the grains of sand. His love and what He did on the cross are amazing.

The old song says to count your blessings, to name them one by one. What are you thankful for today?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Sounding like a "parent"

I was updating my friend Frances on my boys this evening in an email and decided to post a portion of it:

"Before bedtime tonight, I told Jonah that he was expected to refrain from a certain behavior (can’t even remember what it was! J) while he was in our house..isn’t that such a “parent” thing to say??!! LOL Anyway, he responded with “I want to go live in a different house.” My jaw visibly dropped. He’s four. I actually started laughing..I didn’t expect that kind of retort for quite a few years. Of course I probably elicited that response with the way I made my statement. Parenting is a challenge sometimes."

Sometimes I re-play the things I just said to my kids in my head and go "why did I just say that? That was stupid!" Anyone else do this?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

That second thing

Lesh reminded me..Jonah asked what "landscaping" meant. He now knows..trees and shrubs and flowers.

Speaking of landscaping, my husband-pastor made fun of my tree choice for the corner of the house during his bible lesson at church this evening. I'll get even..anybody remember this?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

"Yeah ah do!"

"Yeah ah do! Yeah ah do!" is something we are hearing a lot of out of Jude lately. Specifically this past Sunday morning. He is old enough to go to Toddler's class now and I had been holding him back until the kindergartners "graduated" so that he wouldn't be so much work for the teachers. Well this past Sunday morning, his teacher came up to where he was being held by my mother and asked him if he would like to go to class, to which he replied, "Yeah ah do! Yeah ah do! Yeah ah do!" really loudly. The whole church heard it of course and laughed. It's cute because the way he says it makes it sound like one big word all slurred together.

I am thrilled he's going to class..I actually get something out of the sermon now...and don't have to worry about him throwing a fit for a cookie, "do-do" (donut) or cracker. If I have to take him out to discipline him..he gets really excited and waves at everyone as if to say "I'm free!! SEE YAAAAAAA!" Hopefully, we'll all be happier now.

p.s. Jonah asked me what choices and something else was tonight..can't remember the second thing, but as I tried to explain what choices were (that there are different options..for example: I might tell you, you have two choices Jonah: You can go to your room or you can take a bath. You can do this or that. This or that.") to a four year old, he started repeating my explanations and using his right and left hands; "This or that. This or that." do they get so smart!
When he was three, and watching "CARS" one night, he told us that "Lightning McQueen had compassion and mercy for Mister Da King!" He had been watching the Veggie Tales "Jonah" quite a bit around that time and drew parallels between those movies! Blown away.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Jude = hair fettish

Jude has a fettish. For my hair specifically. I hear "I won touch" in this cute little voice at least 10 times a day. If I'm working on my laptop and there is a space for him to squeeze in next to me, this is his favorite position..sitting next to me touching my hair, sucking his fingers. He occasionally pulls out his fingers, looks up at me, and grins as if to say "This is great mom."

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Politics & God's Side

Well..the DNC and the RNC are over and I must say....I'm relieved. While I love doses of good political discussion about issues and the players, I find that large doses tend to suck my soul dry. There are days when I scratch the news networks off my to-do lists and focus completely on things that are good for my soul. However, I am still living "in the world" and I do not want to be apathetic with regard to national and global issues. Scripture is clear that we are to be salt and light and we cannot do that if we aren't engaged in our culture on some level. So, I twitter, blog, watch the and videos and live video and read news stories from quite a few sources on the web. I even log on to the radio stream on the website of our local FM talk station, KFTK, 97.1, Younger, Smarter, Better. ( kids can say that one. They also have the 97.7, 94.1 JOY FM jingle memorized. Cute.)

Having said all that, the events of last Friday changed the political landscape for me. It was exciting, historic, and I am once again energized about the November election. I respected John McCain for his service to our country, and for standing firm in his beliefs, even if he took heat from his own party. I wasn't overly thrilled about some of his stands on issues such as global warming or the borders. However, like so many others, I am loving what I know about Sarah Palin thus far. What a trip these past days must have been for her. She is not only economically conservative, a reformer, and a WOMAN!, but Sarah is very pro-life, and that is a chief concern for me. I don't care what the political analysts or pundits say: LIFE has always been core issue, and is, in my opinion, the most important issue our country will ever deal with. We must work to stop the holocaust of the innocent unborn.

I do not rush to wear a Republican or Democratic label. I am a social and economic conservative, and I vote for those who share my views on the issues. However, when the lines are drawn, I want to be sure I am firmly planted on God's side. This is an awesome devotion about being sure you are on God's side rather than having a false confidence that because you are a christian God is on your side.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

McCain/Palin Rally! (Not McPain, Paul!)

Jonah and I joined some other friends from church today and attended a McCain/Palin rally at TR Hughes Park in O'Fallon. We had a good time sweating, waiting, sweating, waiting, and then saw the actual candidates heads for maybe 1 or 2 seconds?? (because of the huge crowd there..around 20,000) But we did it mostly happily to show our support and let everyone know there are still people out there who care about conservative issues. To be honest, I had not been overly excited about the upcoming elections because McCain wasn't my first choice. I liked several of the nominees, but wasn't completely sold on any of them...until McCain went and made my week and picked a socially, and fiscally conservative FEMALE! Now I would never vote for or against someone because of their gender, but I just think this was a brilliant move on his part for all the reasons everyone has been talking about.

We felt like big, gross, sweaty goo balls after about 15 minutes there but managed to get a cute pic of the kids. David Jackson took some pictures of us that I hope never see the light of day..I'm sure I looked ridiculous. I was jumping around getting into some country song and then I heard the artist say somethink like "I want to look for ticks on you!" Good if we needed to appear any more redneck-ish.. DJ better not have videotaped me dancing to that.. HEHE! Anyway, they weren't a bad band..just would have been nice to have something in addition to country music as Dana from Mamalogues twittered.
We not only got to see/hear McCain, Palin, but Jim Talent, Governor Matt Blunt, Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee too! It was awesome to hear all those people at one setting. It was also kind of cool watching the Secret Service scoping out the woods too..and I'm nearly certain that we followed and were followed by Governor Blunt on the way home..there was a caravan of brown state trooper SUV's that drove like they were carrying someone important. We waved like dorks just in case.
I prepped Jonah on who we would see and what he should say if we happened to be close enough to see them today. Of course, that didn't happen, but he asked, repeatedly, for about two hours, "where's John McCain? where's John McCain?" as if they were personal friends. When John McCain finally did appear, Jonah asked "Who's John McCain?" like he had never heard of much for all the prep work. Gonna sleep good tonight.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Memories from a decade ago

In moving, I found our wedding proofs and went through the box. We weigh more now than we did then, and Lesh has more silver strands now, but we still fit together as good as we did that day.
On November 21st, we will celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. They have been blessed years..we have come through some challenging times, times of growth, and seasons of supreme blessing and joy. He was my best friend then, and he is still my best friend. I loved him then, but I love him now so much more.
I'll write more about that later, but wanted to share the pictures.

That was the most delicious cake ever..from La Bonne Bouche on Olive. It was chocolate cake with a chocolate mousse filling and some raspberry in there too. Scrumptious.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hat boys

The boys are loving their hats this week.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cool kids & dad

Jonah found this hat and came out with it on. He and Jude were gettin' down to the DNC live music.

This expression is killing me.
Like father like son.

Living with MawMaw

(This is not my, we have not bleached their hair out.)
Jonah (and Jude) were a bit naughty today (well..everyday.) My kids, like all other children in the world, seem to really get a kick out of misbehaving and squealing like piglets as soon as I get on an important phone call. (You know..the kind with bankers, accounting firms, attorneys, and such...where you have to read out figures between howls and cries for candy and every other forbidden thing because you are on the phone and they know you won't punish them while someone else is you say in the most contrived, calm tone you can muster, "Just a minute dear and mommy will help you." Then you get off the phone and get the contorted, pinched, monster face and they run from the room, shrieking all the way, for cover.) Yeah.. that kind of phone call. Anyway, I disciplined him and explained to him that frightening his whiny, little two year old brother with bear sounds while I am on the phone is neither polite or appreciated.

In an effort to cheer him up after said discipline..and from mother guilt for being on the phone to begin with, I let him know that his Mawmaw was coming to pick him up so that he and Jude could spend some time with she and Pawpaw this evening. He got a little red in the face, and I saw some independence rising up in him as he began to speak faster..ultimately letting me know that he wasn't coming back home. I guess that is the first time I have heard that, as a mother,..sure it won't be the smarted my heart just a bit. But then I reminded him that he likes to snuggle with me every morning and a few other things that I thought would help him realize how much he enjoys living here. He didn't relent. Jude kept squealing and Jonah started crying complaining that Jude's cries hurt his ears. They hurt mine head more. Two squawling kids and one tired, overworked mom. That's when a nanny would sure be nice.

Alas, time, and food heal make things right with the world, at least most of the time...I fed him his favorite chicken and cheese quesadillas, pineapple and even gave him some watered down sweet tea and he was all chirpy again. I asked again if he thought he might want to stay at Mawmaw's house and he admitted he wanted to live with me. (relief) I even got a kiss as he left with her.

I enjoy how easy things are, emotionally, when children are this age. Parents of teenagers are always telling me they wish they had these days back. I have made a commitment to myself to take it one day at a time and live in the's difficult..between my responsibilities, the whining, fighting, crying..and yes, even noisy phone calls. However, a deep breath and a prayer are highly under-rated. God does give us enough grace for each moment..we just have to decide to accept His help and go on.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


You have to go check out I created these there. Crackin' me up.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"Bad Bone, Doo Doo Doo Doo!"

My dad is in the habit of teaching Jonah important songs like Working at the Car Wash Blues and the likes. Recently, he was inspired to teach him Bad to The Bone and of course Jude picks it up..with his special little version. He is now singing "Bad Bone, Bad Bone, doo doo doo doo!" It's so cute..I wish I could capture it on video. In truth, my video camera is not handy..I need to go find's somewhere in the garage or in the Armada. Things are everywhere since the move.

Jonah update: He NEVER stops talking or singing. It's cute. It's annoying. It's sweet. I'm thrilled he loves to search out answers and express his joy through singing. I just wish he had a volume dial so that I could listen at a lower level sometimes. Jude is picking up the singing bug and is able to sing quite a few of the songs we sing at church.

The boys continue to speak to EVERYONE in public...especially in retail stores. At church, most folks want to speak to them and regularly do, so the boys think that our church = the public. I have tried to reign them in at times because some people just don't want to be bothered by anyone. 75% of the passersby are friendly right back and enjoy the banter with my little people, but there are others who are just rude..they completely ignore the fact that the little people are speaking to them. Jonah always seems confused when this happens. I started to tell him that they didn't hear him one time..then I thought.."well that really isn't true." They were most likely just ignoring them because the boys are young, and they don't want to be bothered to stop and talk to a kid. Age-ism? I think so. If an adult were addressing them, they would most likely respond in some way. It kind of gets my goat that they are so rude and don't care about hurting Jonah's or Jude's feelings..but some people are just not very compassionate..that's not news.

Anyway, I haven't been quite sure how to address the issue with my kids..Jonah especially. I don't want to lie and tell him that they didn't hear him. I could say that they must have been in a hurry and didn't have time to talk, but the truth is, they could have said a quick "Hi!" and "I need to run!", but they didn't. Simply, they are exhibiting rude behavior. I think he is old enough to understand that now. I point out rude behavior on his part, so I think it's okay to identify it in others..especially if it confronts us. People aren't perfect, and Jonah, at four, is learning that.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Preacher's sons

My heart goes out to Pastor Greg Laurie, (in Southern California) for the loss of his son. He died in an automobile accident last week..I'm just now hearing about it. Then today, we received word that a fellow pastor in Republic, Missouri also lost his son tragically in a shooting. At the end of May we had heard that the son of the pastor of the First Assembly of God in Wentzville had lost his son to cancer. It seems like a pattern in some way. I pray nightly for protection and health and salvation for my two sons, and pray that I never have to experience the loss of either of my children. I cannot imagine any worse hurt. I have followed the blog of a young woman who lost her young daughter in a drowning accident last year. She has expressed how therapeutic it has been to blog/journal about her loss. Praying that God's comfort is thick and real to those who have experienced such heartache.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Parrot

Jonah is a parrot. No, he's a tape recorder. Or a video recorder. Whatever..he remembers EVERYTHING we say, and the tone we say it in, and so conveniently or inconveniently uses it on us at the most convenient or inconvenient times. If he sees a movie a few times, he has half of it memorized. I am not challenging him enough. I feel bad about it. He should be memorizing more scripture. He goes up to cabinets and says "Hello gorgeous. Wow..we hit the motherload!" (from the Chipmunks) in this perfect imitation of one of the chipmunks.
This is too funny. While driving with the boys last week, we heard a Vincent Mortgage commercial and Ray did his famous voice and got to the end of the commercial where he repeats his phone number over and over eight three nine, ninety nine ninety nine. Well hear goes Jonah..."eight three nine, ninety nine ninety nine" in his perfect Ray Vincent voice. Then Jude starts saying "nine nine nine nine", also mimicking the nasal sound.. I cracked up! That kid is really smart.
We are beyond broke right now..nearly Jeff Foxworthy rolling pennies for gas broke. If it's not being consumed (food or paper goods) or worn, we are not buying it. However, Jude dropped my phone the other night on a concrete phone and cracked the glass front. It's working for the time being, but once the glass falls out, it won't work or even be safe to use. In truth, I haven't been in love with the phone. People are always complaining that they can't hear me on it. I do like the color and design. It is a great size, candy bar style (which I love..I'm always afraid a flip phone would get broken) and I have gotten used to texting and other things on it and am generally comfortable with it. It's light, has a decent battery life, etc. It has a camera on it..which I didn't really think was such a big deal when I purchased it, but I have come to use that feature daily with my boys. I never seem to have my camera out when they are doing something that I wish to photograph, but my phone is attached to my ear, so it's really handy! Soooo.... I started googling camera phones and came across the Sony Ericsson C905. It doesn't seem to have been released to the general market yet, so I have some time to save my pennies. It looks AWESOME! And it has an 8MP camera on it!!! Yes, 8!! That's incredible! Think of all the great photos I could take on it to upload for our church building project, church events, of my boys, etc... I'm just afraid it's going to cost a million dollars. Perhaps it will be reasonably priced. It will be a the perfect replacement. Pray people, pray. This image is me thinking optimistically about the new C905 phone.

This image of Lesh is the expression he'll give me if it's expensive. HEHEHE! I actually have this as the wallpaper for my existing phone. Just a lovely expression to stare at everytime I pick up my phone. He's either cheezing for the camera, or scowling. No happy medium.