Do monkey's pray? Jonah wants to know. :)
Had a super day with my family. Got to visit with some of our extended family and enjoyed some great food.
The boys are watching a new "rented" Veggie Tales...Are you my Neighbor? They are "glued" to it. Yay for me..I can get some work done.
They are in bed now. :)
I have a personal dilemma. I hate dishcloths and dishtowels. I avoid using them at all costs. First, I think they are germ laden disgusting objects. Second, they always end up in the bottom of the sink(darling husband), stuck to a dish, or in some other gross situation. Third, I don't need one more item to fold at laundry time. I don't wash dishes by hand that much..only very large items that won't fit in the dishwasher, so I don't really need dishcloths. (I use those sponges, put them in the dishwasher and then toss them when they are too far gone) ..and I use the dry setting on my dishwasher thus eliminating the need for dish towels. So, I just use paper towels that are much more sanitary, in my opinion, and then I toss them. Yes, I do go through an inordinate amount of paper towels which leads me to my next dilemma. I try to be conscious of the environment in my own little ways, and I also try not to have unnecessary waste. Granted, I am not buying really expensive paper towels, (Bounty...like those thick Viva ones but they aren't great for doing windows or mirrors..not that I do windows that often, but I do have to wipe down my glass covered coffee table, end table, and hall table pretty often..always covered with little sticky fingerprints) but I still feel a little guilty. But then I think, well am I making up for it by being able to use less water and electricity in the laundry? Probably not, because you don't wash a huge amount of washcloths or paper towels that often.
What is your solution? Do you share my phobia of dishcloths and dishtowels?
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