Jonah asleep..love this picture even though it's a little dark.

Jude a couple of months ago..he's had a haircut since then, but I love that cute expression.
Do all four year olds talk about dying all the time? Tonight, both boys grabbed plastic walmart bags and were playing with them while I was unloading groceries. Jude acted as if he might put one over his head so I quickly took them away and instructed them to never do that. I told Jonah he could die from doing something like that. So he hops up on his stool and says, "well, if we die, we could go see Jesus! I want to go to heaven and see Jesus!" to which I replied, "it's not our time yet. He gets to decide when it's our time." And he whines a little longer about how he wants to go now. Are all four year olds this morbid? Good grief.
We had a super busy day today. A morning meeting I was to attend was re-scheduled for next week, but we still managed to work like crazy all day. I took the boys through a drive-thru and went to pick up a truck load of mulch. We came home and worked in the yard, digging holes and depositing the evergreens and wild grasses in them. Lesh dug a hole for the monster tree. I love that tree. It's a pine of some kind but it looks like something you might see in the west. I'll take a picture soon. We have to go back tomorrow and pick up more mulch. It's the dark stained kind and I love it. Still debating about edging our shrubbery beds with some sort of black rubber liner. (My throat has this irritating glob in it that I keep trying to cough out..fall allergies and the result of working in the yard all day, I guess. More claritin.)
Dinner meeting at some friends' home this evening and partook of crawfish etouffe that was awesome. Then a strawberry and cream pastry of some sort from Helfer's...it doesn't get much better than that. We've been working on the fine details of the Audio/Video/Lighting aspects of our new church building this week and it's exciting. A little scary too. And a lot expensive. We are trying to be careful stewards and yet be relevant with quality tools. I think we are all learning a tremendous amount.
Tonight when I was praying with my boys and putting them in bed, Jude took my hand and moved it back and forth to rub his sweet, little, smiling face. These moments are what make parenting worth it.
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