Jonah is a parrot. No, he's a tape recorder. Or a video recorder. Whatever..he remembers EVERYTHING we say, and the tone we say it in, and so conveniently or inconveniently uses it on us at the most convenient or inconvenient times. If he sees a movie a few times, he has half of it memorized. I am not challenging him enough. I feel bad about it. He should be memorizing more scripture. He goes up to cabinets and says "Hello gorgeous. Wow..we hit the motherload!" (from the Chipmunks) in this perfect imitation of one of the chipmunks.

This is too funny. While driving with the boys last week, we heard a Vincent Mortgage commercial and Ray did his famous voice and got to the end of the commercial where he repeats his phone number over and over eight three nine, ninety nine ninety nine. Well hear goes Jonah..."eight three nine, ninety nine ninety nine" in his perfect Ray Vincent voice. Then Jude starts saying "nine nine nine nine", also mimicking the nasal sound.. I cracked up! That kid is really smart.

We are beyond broke right now..nearly Jeff Foxworthy rolling pennies for gas broke. If it's not being consumed (food or paper goods) or worn, we are not buying it. However, Jude dropped my phone the other night on a concrete phone and cracked the glass front. It's working for the time being, but once the glass falls out, it won't work or even be safe to use. In truth, I haven't been in love with the phone. People are always complaining that they can't hear me on it. I do like the color and design. It is a great size, candy bar style (which I love..I'm always afraid a flip phone would get broken) and I have gotten used to texting and other things on it and am generally comfortable with it. It's light, has a decent battery life, etc. It has a camera on it..which I didn't really think was such a big deal when I purchased it, but I have come to use that feature daily with my boys. I never seem to have my camera out when they are doing something that I wish to photograph, but my phone is attached to my ear, so it's really handy! Soooo.... I started googling camera phones and came across the Sony Ericsson C905. It doesn't seem to have been released to the general market yet, so I have some time to save my pennies. It looks AWESOME! And it has an 8MP camera on it!!! Yes, 8!! That's incredible! Think of all the great photos I could take on it to upload for our church building project, church events, of my boys, etc...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWuYQw2kl64 I'm just afraid it's going to cost a million dollars. Perhaps it will be reasonably priced. It will be a the perfect replacement. Pray people, pray.

This image is me thinking optimistically about the new C905 phone.

This image of Lesh is the expression he'll give me if it's expensive. HEHEHE! I actually have this as the wallpaper for my existing phone. Just a lovely expression to stare at everytime I pick up my phone. He's either cheezing for the camera, or scowling. No happy medium.
Hey Jen...so did you get the new phone? Thanks for dropping by my site, it was great to hear from you.
Eleisha, I sure wish! :) It hasn't been released yet. I checked again last night. Maybe they will do it around November and it can be my consolation prize for being married to Lesh for 10 years! hehe.
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