Jonah cheesing and Jude needing sunglasses.

Mom's flowers still look like that..they grow on until it freezes.

My sweeties. Praying you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families! God Bless!

Shaeley, Courtney, Jude and Jonah. & Callie.

These are Jonah and Jude's best buddies..Courtney and Shaeley. Courtney looks like a model in this picture..the perfect smile. She gets lots of practice because her mommy loves taking pictures of her sweeties..maybe I need to pull the camera out a little more often! hehe

We couldn't get Jude to keep his fingers out of his mouth. He's ALWAYS teething.

The boys.

Oh Lookie! Jude doesn't have his fingers in his mouth! And they are both smiling at once..lucky mom.
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