Jude is developing "attitude". He now says "Stop that Mommy!", sometimes in frustration, and sometimes because he knows it amuses me. I'm having to put my "mean mom" face on and correct him (even though it's pretty funny and I just want to laugh.) I don't want him to be a spoiled brat. He's also learning to say "sawwy mommy" (translated: Sorry Mommy) because he gets in his share of mischief. He has a temper and still does the whole screeching gig if he doesn't get his way. So we ask him to leave the room, and go to his room if he wants to behave like that. He's started just walking to his room and then coming back when he's ready to behave calmly. He seems to understand it's a time out..a chance for him to deal with his own stuff and then come back to be with his family. Most of the time, he returns repentant. He doesn't play alone often..he's never really been alone. Jonah plays independently really well, but he's the first child, so I guess that makes sense.
With Christmas approaching, I am trying to find creative ways to teach my boys about what Christmas really is..a celebration of the birth of the Savior of the world. I've been explaining to them that Jesus is the best gift we receive. Thursday evening, I told them they, Jonah and Jude, were gifts from God to their daddy and me. They got a kick out of that..especially Jonah. Anyway, I'm hoping they will equate that in some way to the fact that Jesus was an incredible gift to both Mary and Joseph, and to the world. If you have taught your children about Christmas in some unique way, please share with us!
On a side note, while at Wal-Mart this evening, I noticed that they are selling Focus on the Family dolls (Barbie sized) called Messengers of Faith. One is Jesus and one is Mary. They quote scripture passages out of Luke and John and you can bend their arms and legs like you would a Barbie doll. In researching them online, I came across this review. As much as I would like for the boys to have the Jesus doll, I may only get the other dolls and leave the Jesus doll for others to purchase. (In looking at the dolls on the website, I don't see any blue eyes on Jesus..the dolls may have been altered. Still think I will just look into getting the other biblical characters.)
I love my boys..they are a delight to us. It sounds cliche but children really are a blessing straight from the heart of God. Each night when I put them in bed, I pray over each one of them and let the boys hear me thanking God for them. I think that is really important in helping them understand their value to you as a parent, and as a child of God. It's also gives them a sense of security.
Also, instead of just praying over them, I have been letting them kneel next to me by Jonah's bed so that they can pray with me. They need to learn to communicate with God in their own way, and for the needs of others. I don't want them to think that prayer is all about asking God for things..a Santa Claus kind of God. I want them to come to understand that He is their friend and that they can talk to Him as easily as they talk to me. Pretty amazing thing to try to teach. I also want them to understand that we should pray for others...that we do not serve God alone..but that we are a part of a really large international church body. I sing praise to God and worship around the house so that they see that it's not just something we do at church..it's a lifestyle. All of life can be worship.
Parenting is the most awesome, exciting, daunting challenge ever. How are you teaching your children about faith? Would love to hear your input!
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