Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Global Warming Makes Me Fat!

This is just too funny..I'm on the way to church Sunday morning and our local FM talk radio station broadcasts these cheezy infomercials. The one featured this past Sunday was about how global warming was making us fat. Global warming is making me fat??? Now I have an excuse!! HEHEHEHE You just gotta laugh! Can't even make that up! The good news was that they had a cream I could apply to fatty parts of my body to make it all go away. LOL

Just heard that Al Gore was connecting our financial crisis with global warming too..oh gimme a break. Why are people still listening to him?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Headbanging to Veggie Tales

Night before last, at bedtime, the boys got rowdy and turned on their Boys in the Sink CD while I was gathering their bedtime snack. They cranked the volume and were jumping around dancing and laughing and having a big time. When I walked in the room, I told them to turn it off and calm down because "it's almost bedtime!" They ignored me and kept dancing, so I figured, if you can't beat'em, join'em. We were jamming out to Larry Boy..lots of electric guitar...metal sounding..I had my hair down and started head banging and they thought it was so funny. Jonah laughed until he got the hiccups. It just encouraged Jude more so he got on Jonah's bed and started jumping around like a little monkey. I played air guitar for a while and then went back to headbanging..then stopped when my head started hurting and the mother side of me took over. I feared I might experience actual brain damage from jostling my head around like that.

Fun times..fun times. :)

Read about Dana's funny episode related to discipline over at http://www.mamalogues.com/2008/09/discipline.html

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Economic Answer?

I am not an economic expert. I am listening to all the radio commentators, doing some reading on the internet news sources and trying to get more educated about it all. At first, I thought the bail out was unavoidable, but as I hear more details of the bailout, I think it may not be necessary, a good idea, or the right thing to do. We need reform in so many ways in this country. The only solution I have come up with on a personal level is to spend less and pray a lot more. As much as economic stress will hurt everyone, it may be the only thing to draw our nation to Jesus Christ. 2 Chronicles 7:14

I find myself praying "Come Lord Jesus, come quickly!" But in order to pray that without guilt, I must do everything I can to share His gospel with those who do not know Him.

My great aunt sent the following forward to me with regard to the upcoming elections but I think it also applies to our economic status. It's a great reminder:

1. The Bible will still have all the answers. 2. Prayer will still work. 3. The Holy Spirit will still move. 4. God will still inhabit the praises of His people. 5. There will still be God-anointed teaching and healing. 6. There will still be singing of praise to God. 7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people. 8. There will still be room at the Cross. 9. Jesus will still love you. 10. Jesus will still save the lost.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Lovin' this!

We saw him do this about a year ago too, but didn't have a camera handy. He's holding his shirt up with his chin and reading (as much as a four year old can).

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Praying Monkeys

Do monkey's pray? Jonah wants to know. :)
Had a super day with my family. Got to visit with some of our extended family and enjoyed some great food.

The boys are watching a new "rented" Veggie Tales...Are you my Neighbor? They are "glued" to it. Yay for me..I can get some work done.
They are in bed now. :)
I have a personal dilemma. I hate dishcloths and dishtowels. I avoid using them at all costs. First, I think they are germ laden disgusting objects. Second, they always end up in the bottom of the sink(darling husband), stuck to a dish, or in some other gross situation. Third, I don't need one more item to fold at laundry time. I don't wash dishes by hand that much..only very large items that won't fit in the dishwasher, so I don't really need dishcloths. (I use those sponges, put them in the dishwasher and then toss them when they are too far gone) ..and I use the dry setting on my dishwasher thus eliminating the need for dish towels. So, I just use paper towels that are much more sanitary, in my opinion, and then I toss them. Yes, I do go through an inordinate amount of paper towels which leads me to my next dilemma. I try to be conscious of the environment in my own little ways, and I also try not to have unnecessary waste. Granted, I am not buying really expensive paper towels, (Bounty...like those thick Viva ones but they aren't great for doing windows or mirrors..not that I do windows that often, but I do have to wipe down my glass covered coffee table, end table, and hall table pretty often..always covered with little sticky fingerprints) but I still feel a little guilty. But then I think, well am I making up for it by being able to use less water and electricity in the laundry? Probably not, because you don't wash a huge amount of washcloths or paper towels that often.
What is your solution? Do you share my phobia of dishcloths and dishtowels?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Crawfish Etouffe, Death AGAIN and The Outdoors

Jonah asleep..love this picture even though it's a little dark.

Jude a couple of months ago..he's had a haircut since then, but I love that cute expression.

Do all four year olds talk about dying all the time? Tonight, both boys grabbed plastic walmart bags and were playing with them while I was unloading groceries. Jude acted as if he might put one over his head so I quickly took them away and instructed them to never do that. I told Jonah he could die from doing something like that. So he hops up on his stool and says, "well, if we die, we could go see Jesus! I want to go to heaven and see Jesus!" to which I replied, "it's not our time yet. He gets to decide when it's our time." And he whines a little longer about how he wants to go now. Are all four year olds this morbid? Good grief.

We had a super busy day today. A morning meeting I was to attend was re-scheduled for next week, but we still managed to work like crazy all day. I took the boys through a drive-thru and went to pick up a truck load of mulch. We came home and worked in the yard, digging holes and depositing the evergreens and wild grasses in them. Lesh dug a hole for the monster tree. I love that tree. It's a pine of some kind but it looks like something you might see in the west. I'll take a picture soon. We have to go back tomorrow and pick up more mulch. It's the dark stained kind and I love it. Still debating about edging our shrubbery beds with some sort of black rubber liner. (My throat has this irritating glob in it that I keep trying to cough out..fall allergies and the result of working in the yard all day, I guess. More claritin.)

Dinner meeting at some friends' home this evening and partook of crawfish etouffe that was awesome. Then a strawberry and cream pastry of some sort from Helfer's...it doesn't get much better than that. We've been working on the fine details of the Audio/Video/Lighting aspects of our new church building this week and it's exciting. A little scary too. And a lot expensive. We are trying to be careful stewards and yet be relevant with quality tools. I think we are all learning a tremendous amount.

Tonight when I was praying with my boys and putting them in bed, Jude took my hand and moved it back and forth to rub his sweet, little, smiling face. These moments are what make parenting worth it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Jonah and Heaven & Outside Restrooms

Jonah keeps asking questions about God and heaven. "Where is God? Is He big? How can He be in my heart if He is big? Can I see God? Can you see God? Does God have a truck? God is not in our house or our church. I cannot see Him. Is He bigger than the Giant Pickle? (Goliath, from Veggie Tales) Is He bigger than the Boogie Man? the Monsters on TV? (also Veggie Tales)"

His questions excite and also make me a bit nervous. I love that he is thinking about God and wanting to know more. But I also want to be sure that I am explaining things in a way that enables him to understand who God really is. I want to give clear, biblical answers..yet it needs to be in a vernacular a four year old can understand. I also don't want to give him a false impression of God that could potentially stay with him for his entire life.

Heaven is a little bittersweet for me, and I would venture to assume, for most adults. It is a place I dream about, long for, and fear just wee little bit. I want to go there, but I don't want to die or leave my family or friends. I want to see people who are already there and I want to see the awesome place God has created for us. Most of all, I want to see God.

Jonah asked me again tonight to pray that God would let him see heaven. That is a little heart wrenching! Of course I want him to go to heaven..but not quite yet? There are a multitude of feelings that swirled through my head as he waited for my answer. I had to carefully gauge my facial expressions too! I didn't want him to think heaven is a place he shouldn't want to go or that he should fear going there, or even the moment our life is over here. I told him he could go when God thought it was the right time. I also told him I thought it would be really cool if we could all go together and tried to be cheerful though there was a lump the size of a large baking potato in my throat. Wow..being a parent is just hard.

He asked if God would be taking us in a plane or a truck? I told him I wasn't sure..that we might fly there. He wanted to know if God had a big fire truck that He could take us all on. He said he wanted all of us to go on the big fire truck. I told him he could ask God. (He asks God for snow every night too.)

On the lighter side, he needed to use the restroom today while we were in our meeting at the new church to discuss lighting/audio/video setup. I told him he could go outside..I was thinking behind a bush or something.. I tended to Jude for a few moments and then looked around for Jonah and he's in the middle of the yard where at least neighbors from five different yards could see, with his shorts and underwear around his feet aiming for who knows what. Yes, we are raising little rednecks. I am from the bootheel after all!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Video Shout Out to Grammy & Papa Jake!

The boys saying "hi!"

Monday, September 15, 2008

Pine nuts, Paul Buchanan, Blessing and sweet kids

I am thankful today for the small and big things. To name a few...

My husband = best friend, partner in crime, strength, love of my life

My boys: Jude's "Hi Mommy!" in his most chirpy voice with a smile straight from the clouds. His snuggles are pure heaven. Jonah's constant praise - This week he's singing Glory Hallelu! and Still Standing. He inspires me daily. He loves to learn new things and to ask questions. His world is growing everyday.

Good Music - it really does calm, inspire, and spur me on creatively. (Paul Buchanan's voice on Are You Lonesome Tonight (with Chris Botti) is lovely, soulful..all in one song)

Pine nuts - they are awesome! Great on salads, in pasta dishes..yum.

Maple Grove Farms - Sesame Ginger dressing..."Where have you been all my life??!!" LUV it.

Dr. Thunder - yeah..I like cheap stuff too! Tastes good and it's great for the budget.

Good Friends - People that just understand..you don't have to say words. A smile or a hug is enough. My mother has a throw pillow on her coffee tablet that says something like "I'm rich in grandkids". I need one that says "I'm rich in friends."

Privacy - I can't tell you how much I appreciate having a home to ourselves again. My parents are awesome and were so kind to let us rent from them after we sold our North Meadow house. (Lesh's too.) But it's wonderful to be able to just have your own space for your own family. 'Nuff said.
To live in the United States of America - I would not want to live anywhere else. I am so grateful to have been born in this nation. It is not without problems..and extensive ones, but largely, it is blessed with incredible, loving, giving, compassionate people who value life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Have you considered the words that make up the Pledge of Allegiance lately? "One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Powerful words.

God - Some people believe Christians are weak.. that they need to use God as a crutch. Well, if He's a crutch, may I be the most crippled person in the world because I cannot live one day without Him and I don't ever want to try. He has blessed us in more ways than I can ever type. I have been praying "Come Lord Jesus" more and more...I yearn (yes yearn..there's not a better word for it) for Him. I want to know God more and more. It is indescribable to think that He created the galaxies, and that He knows every part of me and desires my friendship. David wrote that His thoughts for us outnumber the grains of sand. His love and what He did on the cross are amazing.

The old song says to count your blessings, to name them one by one. What are you thankful for today?

Friday, September 12, 2008

Sounding like a "parent"

I was updating my friend Frances on my boys this evening in an email and decided to post a portion of it:

"Before bedtime tonight, I told Jonah that he was expected to refrain from a certain behavior (can’t even remember what it was! J) while he was in our house..isn’t that such a “parent” thing to say??!! LOL Anyway, he responded with “I want to go live in a different house.” My jaw visibly dropped. He’s four. I actually started laughing..I didn’t expect that kind of retort for quite a few years. Of course I probably elicited that response with the way I made my statement. Parenting is a challenge sometimes."

Sometimes I re-play the things I just said to my kids in my head and go "why did I just say that? That was stupid!" Anyone else do this?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

That second thing

Lesh reminded me..Jonah asked what "landscaping" meant. He now knows..trees and shrubs and flowers.

Speaking of landscaping, my husband-pastor made fun of my tree choice for the corner of the house during his bible lesson at church this evening. I'll get even..anybody remember this?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

"Yeah ah do!"

"Yeah ah do! Yeah ah do!" is something we are hearing a lot of out of Jude lately. Specifically this past Sunday morning. He is old enough to go to Toddler's class now and I had been holding him back until the kindergartners "graduated" so that he wouldn't be so much work for the teachers. Well this past Sunday morning, his teacher came up to where he was being held by my mother and asked him if he would like to go to class, to which he replied, "Yeah ah do! Yeah ah do! Yeah ah do!" really loudly. The whole church heard it of course and laughed. It's cute because the way he says it makes it sound like one big word all slurred together.

I am thrilled he's going to class..I actually get something out of the sermon now...and don't have to worry about him throwing a fit for a cookie, "do-do" (donut) or cracker. If I have to take him out to discipline him..he gets really excited and waves at everyone as if to say "I'm free!! SEE YAAAAAAA!" Hopefully, we'll all be happier now.

p.s. Jonah asked me what choices and something else was tonight..can't remember the second thing, but as I tried to explain what choices were (that there are different options..for example: I might tell you, you have two choices Jonah: You can go to your room or you can take a bath. You can do this or that. This or that.") to a four year old, he started repeating my explanations and using his right and left hands; "This or that. This or that." ..how do they get so smart!
When he was three, and watching "CARS" one night, he told us that "Lightning McQueen had compassion and mercy for Mister Da King!" He had been watching the Veggie Tales "Jonah" quite a bit around that time and drew parallels between those movies! Blown away.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Jude = hair fettish

Jude has a fettish. For my hair specifically. I hear "I won touch" in this cute little voice at least 10 times a day. If I'm working on my laptop and there is a space for him to squeeze in next to me, this is his favorite position..sitting next to me touching my hair, sucking his fingers. He occasionally pulls out his fingers, looks up at me, and grins as if to say "This is great mom."

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Politics & God's Side

Well..the DNC and the RNC are over and I must say....I'm relieved. While I love doses of good political discussion about issues and the players, I find that large doses tend to suck my soul dry. There are days when I scratch the news networks off my to-do lists and focus completely on things that are good for my soul. However, I am still living "in the world" and I do not want to be apathetic with regard to national and global issues. Scripture is clear that we are to be salt and light and we cannot do that if we aren't engaged in our culture on some level. So, I twitter, blog, watch the foxnews.com and cnn.com videos and live video and read news stories from quite a few sources on the web. I even log on to the radio stream on the website of our local FM talk station, KFTK, 97.1, Younger, Smarter, Better. (Yeah..my kids can say that one. They also have the 97.7, 94.1 JOY FM jingle memorized. Cute.)

Having said all that, the events of last Friday changed the political landscape for me. It was exciting, historic, and I am once again energized about the November election. I respected John McCain for his service to our country, and for standing firm in his beliefs, even if he took heat from his own party. I wasn't overly thrilled about some of his stands on issues such as global warming or the borders. However, like so many others, I am loving what I know about Sarah Palin thus far. What a trip these past days must have been for her. She is not only economically conservative, a reformer, and a WOMAN!, but Sarah is very pro-life, and that is a chief concern for me. I don't care what the political analysts or pundits say: LIFE has always been core issue, and is, in my opinion, the most important issue our country will ever deal with. We must work to stop the holocaust of the innocent unborn.

I do not rush to wear a Republican or Democratic label. I am a social and economic conservative, and I vote for those who share my views on the issues. However, when the lines are drawn, I want to be sure I am firmly planted on God's side. This is an awesome devotion about being sure you are on God's side rather than having a false confidence that because you are a christian God is on your side.