Jonah and I ran errands together this afternoon and had a date at Jimmy John's, the new gourmet sub shop in town. He was a great date. (Don't you just love this picture of him!..proud momma..I know.) I love this kid with all my heart..he's beautiful inside and out. He loves learning and loves to talk to us..he asks a ton of questions..a little sponge. We shared a delicious sandwich (homemade tuna with cucumbers and sprouts on freshly baked bread), interesting conversation and lots of smiles. Since Easter, he is noticing cross shapes everywhere..today, on the window frames. He and Jude make crosses with their fingers and talk about the crucifixion several times a day. At lunch, he did it within earshot of other diners. (Wondered what they were thinking.) He was proud that he had found another "cross that Jesus died on." He regularly asks the same question: Why did they kill Jesus? I wonder the same thing.

Did you know that lemon juice takes off hard water and calcium stains around your sinks? A simple lemon. I'm thinking of going green with my cleaning supplies..everything but the toilet. Can't beat Sno Bol for ease and working power. Who knows..maybe there is some natural remedy out there for that too.
It was gorgeous out today. Jude's fever broke..hope he's on the mend. He's a bear when he is sick. Today (Sunday) is his birthday. We'll be celebrating very simply.
Hope your day is blessed! Go to church and worship with your church family. Listen to some good preaching. God can draw and save you through the message your pastor preaches.
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