Working at CWI killed my blog..going to resume's what I never had time to post..wrote it..never had time to post.
"Yes..I'm still alive. :) In November, I began a temp job at CWI(Clinical Workflow Iniative), a division of BJC HealthCare. It has turned out to be quite the interesting assignment. Our team has been given the charge to standardize care, and identify the best practices to improve health care in all of the BJC Community Hospitals. As a project coordinator, I have been supporting the CPL's that are leading the Medication Administration (including Med Reconciliation for all you medical peoples) and the Discharge Transition teams. I have added to my acronym bank..they are staples in the information technology and health care fields. I have been able to share a few back... hehe (GEFWIF - Good Enough For Who It's For, by Jeff Dunlap..can't take credit for it. LOL!) I have had the privilege of meeting several of the hospital presidents. Being in a corporate setting has been an say the least. I will be thrilled to be working for our church again..full time. Until then, I am trying to help my family and fulfill whatever purpose God has for me at BJC between 9 and 5:30. :) I am not looking too far ahead..trying to take one day at a time. I have found that it is wonderful to plan and prepare for days to come, but in reality, our main focus should be on what we are presently doing. Less frustrated...etc. :)
Jonah turned five on February 13th. He is a little boy now..although he will always be my baby. Jonah is maturing faster than I want to think about. He is sweet, considerate, and a great friend to his little brother Jude.
Speaking of Jude..he used the potty three times yesterday and I thought Lesh and I would leap for joy..we clapped and hollered and made a huge deal of it. Then he went in to the living room and peed directly on the wood floor. (at least it wasn't carpet) Talk about a let At least he is actually doing something on the potty. It will be a rapturous day when he stops wearing diapers.
He is talking like a big kid..he says "I so happy to see you mommy!" I love it. But on Tuesday evening I was having an ice cream craving and Lesh brought me a vanilla frosty from Wendy's. As he delivered it, Lesh asked "Will that make you happy?" and I confirmed that it would with a grateful smile. Jude was standing beside me and said "Mommy..did Daddy say "make you happy"?" and I said "Yes Jude..daddy wanted to know if I liked my ice cream." Without any hesitation he said "I happy to see
that!" and pointed to my ice cream cup. I cracked up... He loves to eat..and loves sugar. (who doesn't?) Both of my boys still love to "schnuggle", as Jude puts it, with me and I love it. Jude's idea of a good time is sharing my pillow, playing with my hair and sucking his fingers..oh yeah..and watching Thomas. Jonah loves for me to play trains with them..he also has a new Leapster that he loves. It was a gift from his grammy for his birthday. They are quite educational.
I will update you on church news soon..signing off! Night!"