Saturday, November 29, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

French Fries Not Equal to Vegetables

Legal Disclaimer - The conversation you are about to read is true;
the names have been changed to protect the innocent (or guilty).

Some Wife: What are you guys doin'?

Some Husband: Eating fishsticks and french fries with the boys.

Some Wife: Have they had any vegetables today?

Some Husband: Yeah.

Some Wife: What vegetables?

Some Husband: Potatoes.

Some Wife: made potatoes?

Some Husband: The french fries. They had potatoes in the french fries.

Much eye rolling and conversation ensued...somewhere out there.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Field Trip

Lesh is with the boys during the day now since I am working for CWI. They accompanied him on a series of church errands on Monday, but they made a detour to the Department of Transportation. The museum is closed on Mondays, but they were still able to see the trains outside..they LOVED it. They are all about "anything Thomas" currently. Come to find out, our good friend Therese(manager), was actually in the office and could have let them in. If you visit, say hello to her! She's a super lady. Needless to say, they had a great time climbing and exploring.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

DARLING little boy!

This is the cutest thing I have seen in forever.

Monday, November 17, 2008

A Decade

This Friday marks our tenth wedding anniversary. It's's cliche, I know, but he's still "the one". I still love him for the same reasons I loved him ten years ago: He's the most handsome man in the world. He's strong, talented, compassionate, gentle, keen, not afraid to cry, and he loves me..I have never doubted his love or the commitment he made to me, and that is a rare and beautiful devotion. He is not proud, or below any task. He's easy to be with..we laugh together, cry together, play together, work together (a lot), and we dream together.

And after ten years, I love him for a lot more reasons: He's a great husband, an awesome pastor, a great photographer, and the best dad that Jonah and Jude could dream up.

Here are a few memories from the last ten years:

Monday, November 10, 2008

My Boys & Faith

They are growing so fast. Jonah speaks like a smart boy now..not a toddler. He is really sensitive, intuitive, and loves his mother. :) He will still get in my arms and let me hold him like a baby and cuddle...can't tell you how much I love this. When he wants hugs and affection, he hugs me and says "love, love, love" in this cartoon-like's hilarious and sweet. He is learning to write letters, create snowflakes out of white paper, and much more.

Jude is developing "attitude". He now says "Stop that Mommy!", sometimes in frustration, and sometimes because he knows it amuses me. I'm having to put my "mean mom" face on and correct him (even though it's pretty funny and I just want to laugh.) I don't want him to be a spoiled brat. He's also learning to say "sawwy mommy" (translated: Sorry Mommy) because he gets in his share of mischief. He has a temper and still does the whole screeching gig if he doesn't get his way. So we ask him to leave the room, and go to his room if he wants to behave like that. He's started just walking to his room and then coming back when he's ready to behave calmly. He seems to understand it's a time out..a chance for him to deal with his own stuff and then come back to be with his family. Most of the time, he returns repentant. He doesn't play alone often..he's never really been alone. Jonah plays independently really well, but he's the first child, so I guess that makes sense.

With Christmas approaching, I am trying to find creative ways to teach my boys about what Christmas really is..a celebration of the birth of the Savior of the world. I've been explaining to them that Jesus is the best gift we receive. Thursday evening, I told them they, Jonah and Jude, were gifts from God to their daddy and me. They got a kick out of that..especially Jonah. Anyway, I'm hoping they will equate that in some way to the fact that Jesus was an incredible gift to both Mary and Joseph, and to the world. If you have taught your children about Christmas in some unique way, please share with us!

On a side note, while at Wal-Mart this evening, I noticed that they are selling Focus on the Family dolls (Barbie sized) called Messengers of Faith. One is Jesus and one is Mary. They quote scripture passages out of Luke and John and you can bend their arms and legs like you would a Barbie doll. In researching them online, I came across this review. As much as I would like for the boys to have the Jesus doll, I may only get the other dolls and leave the Jesus doll for others to purchase. (In looking at the dolls on the website, I don't see any blue eyes on Jesus..the dolls may have been altered. Still think I will just look into getting the other biblical characters.)
I love my boys..they are a delight to us. It sounds cliche but children really are a blessing straight from the heart of God. Each night when I put them in bed, I pray over each one of them and let the boys hear me thanking God for them. I think that is really important in helping them understand their value to you as a parent, and as a child of God. It's also gives them a sense of security.
Also, instead of just praying over them, I have been letting them kneel next to me by Jonah's bed so that they can pray with me. They need to learn to communicate with God in their own way, and for the needs of others. I don't want them to think that prayer is all about asking God for things..a Santa Claus kind of God. I want them to come to understand that He is their friend and that they can talk to Him as easily as they talk to me. Pretty amazing thing to try to teach. I also want them to understand that we should pray for others...that we do not serve God alone..but that we are a part of a really large international church body. I sing praise to God and worship around the house so that they see that it's not just something we do at's a lifestyle. All of life can be worship.
Parenting is the most awesome, exciting, daunting challenge ever. How are you teaching your children about faith? Would love to hear your input!

Friday, November 7, 2008

More on the election and a call to prayer!

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Ironically, many people are saying that Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream came true on November 4, 2008. Somehow, I don't think Barack Obama was elected by people based on the content of his character, but rather because of the color of his skin. I certainly understand this is a historic day. It is a day that needed to come. It's a day of hope for many people. I don't wish to diminish it's power. But it should not have come at the expense of the good of our nation. I do not believe we should vote for someone based on the color of their skin. I believe that we should vote for someone on the content of their character and that their skin color should not have been a factor. If a man of stellar character such as Alan Keyes (who values all human life) had been the winner, I would have been shouting in the streets about how incredible a victory it was that a man of such incredible integrity and intelligence was elected..and yes, that he was the first African American to be elected. Instead, we elected someone who was better at influencing the masses.
This whole election has been very baffling to me. I fear that our nation voted naively for "change." We're going to get change, but probably not the kind that we have been hoping for. I am too young to remember the Carter Presidency, but this wise woman is not. She has a unique perspective on what this coming Presidential term may be like.
Whatever my personal thoughts, Barack Obama needs our prayer more than ever before. This post has some great prayers that you can adopt and pray for our President Elect. As the church, we have an incredible responsibility. I believe that God will use this time to wake the church up and get us doing what we are supposed to be doing...praying and working. Another pastor said that this result may create a spiritual vacuum in our nation, and we need to be available to be the workers to gather the harvest. We can look forward with hope, not because Barack Obama will bring it, but because God can do incredible things through His people in any season. We can be a part of true "change" - the change that comes about when God's people pray. Join with me!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Circus Tix

UPDDATE! We won!!! We are so excited!! Jude is going to see "El-a-fons" for real!! They are on cloud nine..special thanks to Dana!! Will post some pictures after the big night.


Dana from is giving away circus tix. This is my boys asking to be chosen! :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Presidential Election & Racism

It has been a long two years and I am grateful this day has come to an end. It is no secret that I hoped John McCain would be elected. Many conservatives are consoling themselves that although their candidate was not chosen, "history was made" and racism was overcome. As much as I am grateful that some in our nation rose above the sin of racism and dared to look beyond the color of skin, I fear that some voted purely based on race..proving that racism is very much still alive.

My reasons for not voting for Barack Obama had absolutely nothing to do with his race. I honestly could not care less his race or the color of his skin. I withheld my vote because he does not value human life. I withheld my vote because he believes that the hard working should be penalized and should share their earnings with those who are unemployed. I withheld my vote because he believes in government forced compassion. And I withheld my vote because he sought to penalize those with differing opinions, during his campaign, under the guise of a "fair campaign".

However, there are those who share my Christian beliefs with regard to homosexual marriage and the right of the unborn to live. Yet, because he shared their same skin color, they chose to cast their vote for him. That is racism..pure and simple. How could a Christian, in good conscience, vote for someone who does not defend human life just because he shares their skin color? We've not come so far after all.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

How NOT to Help the Poor

How NOT to help the poor -

I'm going to post my thoughts about this later, but "helping the poor" is a topic we've been hearing a lot about from presidential candidate Barack Obama. As Christians, we are instructed to help the poor. But what does "helping the poor" look like in a practical sense? This is a relevant topic for all pastors, ministers, Christians, and really all Americans.

Here's a question for you: Are you just a "drive-by minister" or are you a "face to face minister"?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Tired Momma!

This is me after an evening of Veggie Tales, Red Robin, and Walmart. I think I am finally ready for some wrinkle cream..I look old. I think this year has aged me..moving, building the church, stress, etc. When I get to heaven, I'll have a new hey!! ;-)

We are still unpacking will never end. At least we don't have to move in the foreseeable future. I really am grateful for that. Moving disrupts your life like nothing else. Still have to do all the address change stuff..dreading it.

Boys had a great time tonight with their friends Jaden, Madeline, Courtney, Shaely, Logan B., Logan S., Kayleigh, Miranda, and cousins Jocie (Jocelyn) and Jean Claire. We ran into Tiffany and Andrew Countaway and friends there's always fun to see old friends!!

It was a pretty good show..if you have to go to something like that. I wanted more BoyZ in the Sink songs but it was fun. Will post pics when Aunt Julia and Holly post more pics.