These pictures were all taken today, Thursday, July 12, 2007. Look at my cute little “baby” walking and trying to get on his brother’s red car! J I thought he would walk earlier, but he ended up doing it about the same time Jonah did..around 14 months. He crawled earlier than Jonah, but he's been chasing Jonah too..Jonah had no one to chase except Callie and Linen, and they weren't all that buddy buddy with him. :) He’s talking too..and quite amused at looking at his own picture on my computer. He’s really getting smart..if you ask if he’s hungry, he takes off for the kitchen and points to things he wants on the countertop. He can also “get down” dancing and singing. Today, he used his "bike" as a step stool to climb up on our sofa. He also climbs up the little red chairs (kids dining set) to get on top of their table or some other precarious place. He actually has great balance..he has for quite some time. He doesn't fall much...yet. I hope that continues. He's very vocal and loves music. He immediately starts dancing and he can actually "sing" on the "Do" of whatever key you're in. Jonah can now carry a tune quite well. He also follows the biblical custom of David and sings "loudly" in church. He doesn't even require a microphone...he's heard quite well. Jonah can keep a steady beat with his kick pedal on the bass drum and an offbeat with his snare for about two minutes now. Jude likes to play them too. He can nearly keep a steady beat with just hitting the snare or toms. It won't be long. Jude loves to play peek-a-boo and can roll a ball back and forth to you too. He has lots of girlfriends at church who haul him around quite a bit, so he doesn't have to use his newly learned walking skills too often yet. They usually only render him back when he has spit up on them after eating all service and then being tossed around. heheWe're still trying to get Jonah potty's taking a while..we've tried about everything. He does it part of the time...when he feels like it. We've rewarded, "disciplined", and everything else we've heard about, but I've resolved that my initial feeling was correct; he'll do it when he gets ready. He's embarrassed about having a dirty diaper in front of his friends, or in public now, so hopefully that will do the trick. I have made one resolution though: He's not getting a real bike with training wheels until he's potty trained. He'll have to stay with his three wheeler tryke thing until he is doing that. I'm not changing the diaper of a kid that can ride a real bike..something is wrong with that. :) He's very proud when he does number 2 on the potty though. Today, he called to me down the hall and told me to come look at it. (We got a good laugh about that!) Jonah never stops talking..I hear this is normal for this age. He is one long running commentary from the time he gets up to the time he goes to bed. He just loves to talk...about trains, and cars, and "Pawpaw Larry's red truck that he sold in Doniphan". He'll never forget that truck. I think my dad is getting really soft because he's actually mentioned buying it back because Jonah liked it so much. Too funny. Jonah loves to talk about the Veggie Tales characters too: Bob the tomato and Larry the cucumber. He asks things like "Mom, what is Bob doing right now? Is Junior talking to his dad right now?" I've told him that they are just cartoon characters, but I don't think it got through. I guess he can just think of them as real people for now. He doesn't have imaginary friends like his cousin..Jocie has as a friend named "Girl". It's very funny..ask Julia about it. I have more pictures to post from Jude's actual birthday..they are cute, but need to be resized, so check back for them.

Jude on Jonah's red "car" feeling very much like the "big shot".

The little man.


Jonah's cool look. :)

Okay..if this isn't Lesh...He got a summer buzz along with Dad and PawPaw Larry. He loves to play, and swim and play with playdough. And his favorite color is red. He always wants the red playdough, the red gumballs, red popsicles, and his red truck. I guess it stems from that red truck obsession.
Click here for more pictures in this set.
Jonah can go all over the pool with this suit on. It has flotation pads on the front and back of the suit.We bought if for him last year and he was doing that last year too. I wondered if he would remember how this year.We put him in and in five minutes he was everywhere again.

Cooling off with his boys.

The swimmer.

Jude loves "swimming" too. It's a great way to wear them out..they nap good. :)

Jude in his boat.

Playing "peek-a-boo" in the water.
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