Tuesday, June 24, 2008

July 2007, Jonah-3 and Jude-1, Part 3

I'm getting more regular!! :)
Jude can follow commands really well! I asked him to touch his hair, my nose, his ears..he could do it all. Then I saw him pick up a little piece of toilet paper on the floor of our bathroom and put it in the trashcan!! I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but he sure looked like he was doing it with purpose. I sure hope so..we need someone around here who has time to clean! :)
This is the funniest..Lesh made me some brownies after the boys were in bed this evening. I'm staying up to do bookwork and I told him it would inspire me to work harder. hehe Anyway, I took a bite and had already finished chewing it up. I decided to check on Jonah since he was supposed to be falling asleep to "Jonah" - the Veggie Tale movie. I got in bed with him and kissed him on the cheek and he said "what you got in your mouth?" I honestly replied "nothing". He said "open your mouth so I can see". (We had a small night light on in the room.) So, I opened my mouth and he said "You got some chocolate in there?..a little bit of chocolate?" I laughed and said "No." He laughed and said "uh huh. You do have some chocolate in there. I thought so," as if he was amused that I was trying to keep it a secret. I about cracked up. There was nothing in my mouth, so I guess he identified what I had eaten by my chocolaty breath. How do 3 year olds get so smart??!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

More July 2007 swimming pics

This just cracks me up. I couldn't believe they made suits like these in such small sizes. Look at the rolls on those legs..hehe

Having fun with Daddy!

Jude loves bath time too..he walks to the edge of the tub and squeals until you put him in. It's pretty nice that you don't have to fight him about getting clean.
Oh yes..he got a hair cut too.finally..about three weeks ago. He was constantly getting the "Oh what a cute little girl" comment. I'm not sure why that happens when he's dressed exactly like Jonah,in blue, green and other masculine colors. If you have children..you remember.

My life. :)

Friday, June 20, 2008

July 2007 - Jonah-3 and Jude-1, Part 2

These pictures were all taken today, Thursday, July 12, 2007. Look at my cute little “baby” walking and trying to get on his brother’s red car! J I thought he would walk earlier, but he ended up doing it about the same time Jonah did..around 14 months. He crawled earlier than Jonah, but he's been chasing Jonah too..Jonah had no one to chase except Callie and Linen, and they weren't all that buddy buddy with him. :) He’s talking too..and quite amused at looking at his own picture on my computer. He’s really getting smart..if you ask if he’s hungry, he takes off for the kitchen and points to things he wants on the countertop. He can also “get down” dancing and singing. Today, he used his "bike" as a step stool to climb up on our sofa. He also climbs up the little red chairs (kids dining set) to get on top of their table or some other precarious place. He actually has great balance..he has for quite some time. He doesn't fall much...yet. I hope that continues. He's very vocal and loves music. He immediately starts dancing and he can actually "sing" on the "Do" of whatever key you're in. Jonah can now carry a tune quite well. He also follows the biblical custom of David and sings "loudly" in church. He doesn't even require a microphone...he's heard quite well. Jonah can keep a steady beat with his kick pedal on the bass drum and an offbeat with his snare for about two minutes now. Jude likes to play them too. He can nearly keep a steady beat with just hitting the snare or toms. It won't be long. Jude loves to play peek-a-boo and can roll a ball back and forth to you too. He has lots of girlfriends at church who haul him around quite a bit, so he doesn't have to use his newly learned walking skills too often yet. They usually only render him back when he has spit up on them after eating all service and then being tossed around. heheWe're still trying to get Jonah potty trained..it's taking a while..we've tried about everything. He does it part of the time...when he feels like it. We've rewarded, "disciplined", and everything else we've heard about, but I've resolved that my initial feeling was correct; he'll do it when he gets ready. He's embarrassed about having a dirty diaper in front of his friends, or in public now, so hopefully that will do the trick. I have made one resolution though: He's not getting a real bike with training wheels until he's potty trained. He'll have to stay with his three wheeler tryke thing until he is doing that. I'm not changing the diaper of a kid that can ride a real bike..something is wrong with that. :) He's very proud when he does number 2 on the potty though. Today, he called to me down the hall and told me to come look at it. (We got a good laugh about that!) Jonah never stops talking..I hear this is normal for this age. He is one long running commentary from the time he gets up to the time he goes to bed. He just loves to talk...about trains, and cars, and "Pawpaw Larry's red truck that he sold in Doniphan". He'll never forget that truck. I think my dad is getting really soft because he's actually mentioned buying it back because Jonah liked it so much. Too funny. Jonah loves to talk about the Veggie Tales characters too: Bob the tomato and Larry the cucumber. He asks things like "Mom, what is Bob doing right now? Is Junior talking to his dad right now?" I've told him that they are just cartoon characters, but I don't think it got through. I guess he can just think of them as real people for now. He doesn't have imaginary friends like his cousin..Jocie has as a friend named "Girl". It's very funny..ask Julia about it. I have more pictures to post from Jude's actual birthday..they are cute, but need to be resized, so check back for them.

Jude on Jonah's red "car" feeling very much like the "big shot".

The little man.


Jonah's cool look. :)

Okay..if this isn't Lesh...He got a summer buzz along with Dad and PawPaw Larry. He loves to play, and swim and play with playdough. And his favorite color is red. He always wants the red playdough, the red gumballs, red popsicles, and his red truck. I guess it stems from that red truck obsession.

Click here for more pictures in this set. http://www.flickr.com/photos/jonahandjude/sets/72157605725617784/

Jonah can go all over the pool with this suit on. It has flotation pads on the front and back of the suit.We bought if for him last year and he was doing that last year too. I wondered if he would remember how this year.We put him in and in five minutes he was everywhere again.

Cooling off with his boys.

The swimmer.

Jude loves "swimming" too. It's a great way to wear them out..they nap good. :)

Jude in his boat.

Playing "peek-a-boo" in the water.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

July 2007 - Jonah-3 and Jude-1

(Jude's Birthday Invitation that I worked entirely too long on...moms will do that kind of stuff.) Jude turned 1 on April 26th, 2007. We celebrated a few days early at Quail Ridge Park and had a wonderful time. It was a circus theme, so there were lots of bright colors, hotdogs, nachos, chili dogs, cotton candy, birthday cake and an assortment of other things. I bought these large clown sunglasses for all the kids to wear and only the little ones really wore them. They all liked the red clown noses too, but they tended to break in half pretty easily..oh well! The puppet show put on by Miranda and Logan (the jester and the clown) was really cute and the kids played with these large balls that kept rolling into the nearby Henry's Pond. Randy rescued it over and over..he's a great guy. Daddy cooked hotdogs and momma ran around and talked and tried to keep things running smoothly. Dad also snapped these pictures. It was fun for the kids young and old. Julia again made such a cute little cake. The Birthday Boy - Baby Jude (my snuggle buddy) Jude had fun too but he didn't get to get down and crawl as much as he would have liked to..I didn't mind so much because he's my second child and he's got to build his immunities in some fashion. But both grandmothers and some aunts and honorary aunts were there and frowned upon him crawling on the pavilion floor. (hehe) So he mostly was carried to and fro. He enjoyed the cake. He likes any food..not sure exactly where he gets that. (haha) He can "out-eat" Jonah at nearly any setting.

Julia's cake!

Mommy and the birthday boy!

Coolest clown in town!

We had these glasses for all the kids..hilarious but not easy to wear.

Claudene and Ryleigh...Claudene should be a stylist..her family always looks good.

Isn't this the best?! She's adorable.

For Jude's complete party set, click this link. http://www.flickr.com/photos/jonahandjude/sets/72157605709502078/

More John Deere Birthday Pics

February 2007 - Jonah-3 and Jude-10 months

(I'm doing better! It's only been a month since I last posted!) Jonah turned 3 this month and we had a last minute "big" party for him..all in a John Deere theme. It was so cute. Everything was green and yellow of course and we gave each kid a John Deere ball cap. There were two different kinds. We had a summer time kind of picnic dinner..cheeseburgers and all the fixins as well as chips and mac n' cheese..easy stuff for the kiddos. My sister made the cutest little John Deere cake with taillights on it. Those were the first details Jonah noticed so she did good!! It was delicious as always. She makes moist cakes..I taught her well. hehe I had said I would never do another "big" party after the one I did for his first birthday, but it's just difficult not to. We have a large family as well as a large church family and it's hard to know where to cut the list off, so we just include everyone. It ends up being a social event that we all enjoy..just requires a lot more work than any normal birthday party should..I think this is going to be my life. I'm not complaining..just adjusting! :) The kids played pin the tire on the tractor...that was all I could come up with..they all got suckers so they were all winners. I hate for anybody to be left out. Then Jonah opened presents..despite our requests for no gifts..he had a total overload at Christmas. I am concerned that he's getting so many that he doesn't really appreciate them. Probably no toddler appreciates gifts anyway. Perhaps I should forget that notion until he's a little older. But we got him the gift of the century...another reason I thought that he shouldn't receive other gifts. We had everyone come up to the garage where Lesh was waiting with the video camera and as he clutched his Stihl toy chainsaw (just like Pawpaw's), he ran into the garage and spotted the John Deere tractor complete with frontloader and trailer. It has two speeds and reverse. He shoved the chainsaw into my hand so that no one could grab it, and ran to the tractor. It was one of the funniest moments ever for me as a parent..he was running it into everything..literally climbing the wall with it, so Lesh had to chase him around so he wouldn't kill himself or anyone else. I thought I would die laughing. He's actually a little afraid of it..it goes so fast that he's having to learn how to control it. Of course he emphatically denied that he was "scared" of it. He's turning into a little boy and it makes me sad and glad and proud all at once. Every parent understands this, I'm sure.
This is my little sweetie in his John Deere hat..he wears it constantly now..doesn't even want to sleep without it. Julia's cake was so cute.

Lesh and Jonah..they remind me so much of each other it's a little scary. My boys love their daddy.

This is Jude with Debbie..Amber's mother. Jude is getting so big..he says "rah rah rah" and "da da da" and has this hilarious little laugh. It sounds like he's hacking up a hairball. He does it constantly..makes my throat hurt just listening to him. He is my precious little bundle of joy. He loves to play with Jonah now..it's wonderful for me too! I get a somewhat of a break. :)

Jocelyn and Jonah..they love to play together..they laugh at nearly anything..it's really cute.

Isn't she cute in her little green bows?

Julia even had a John Deere shirt!! Jeanie is so cute..she's talking up a storm now..she always wants to talk to me on the phone too. What a doll. She looks like little Julia..

Jonah and friends! (Logan)

Brothers: Jaglyn and Dillon

Rockin' out!