Sunday, June 27, 2010

Father's Day 2010

We had a wonderful Father's Day this very much to be thankful for! Last year on Father's Day, Lesh was still wearing a C-collar, using a wheelchair and a walker, and napping throughout the day because of exhaustion.

Lesh speaking on Father's Day 2009.

This year he is C collar, wheelchair, boot, and walker free, walked up and down stairs and even rode his bike!!
Lesh and the boys "taking turns" wishing Papa Jake a Happy Father's Day.

We had a great Father's Day service, spent the afternoon at my parents' home and Paw Paw and Maw Maw, and my brother and sister and I all swam with the kids!

God has been so very good to our family. His healing power is evident in Lesh's life every day. Lesh is regaining strength, stamina, and getting back to doing the things he loves to do. What a difference a year makes!

The photo in my blog header in the upper right-hand corner was Lesh with Jonah and Jude in 2009. (He took of the C-collar because he needed to cool off from the heat.)

I am so thankful for the great men that are influencing my sons. Happy Father's Day to Lesh, "Paw Paw Larry" (my father), Papa Jake, Jeff (my brother), Kent (Lesh's brother..soon to be a daddy!), Jean Guy (my brother-in-law), and a host of awesome family and friends. Our lives are blessed because of you.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Splish Splash!

My boys had a blast trying out their new slip n' slide. Cheap fun..the best kind. :)
Here they are in action.!/video/video.php?v=432292269433

Patriotic Party Decor' - Martha Style

Love this cute craft from Martha Stewart!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Family Dinner

Love being with my family. We used a gift card the other night and enjoyed Red Lobster. Jonah loves crab legs. I told him he better get a good paying job since he likes 'spensive food. :)