Wednesday, December 1, 2010
12 Years of Lesh and Jen
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Some Thoughts On Choosing A Spouse & Sowing & Reaping

I am so thankful that I married a man that believes in me, appreciates my talents and skills, and that he encourages me to be all that I can be through Jesus Christ. If you are a young woman still trying to find your life partner, I hope you take time and care and choose a man as great as mine. Any man who loves you will do so through his words and his actions. Marriage is a beautiful, lifelong commitment. Choose carefully..if you don't, you will set yourself up for a lifetime of heartbreak. You have heard "we sow what we reap." Well, it's true. The choices you are making right, will affect the rest of your life.
Here are some signs you might have the right guy:
1. He serves God wholeheartedly.
2. He respects and honors you.
3. He respects biblical boundaries.
4. He respects and honors your family.
5. Your "true friends" like him. (Not the friends that agree with everything you say..)
6. You are not ashamed to introduce him to the people who care about you the most.
I was blessed with really awesome parents who encouraged my sister, my brother and I to choose carefully when choosing who we would date and who we would marry. (You will most definitely marry someone you have dated..right?) I always knew that my parents believed that I was an incredible young woman, that they believed that my well being was more important than any amount of fame, popularity, or wealth, and that they knew I deserved the best.
Parents, if your children do not know that you think they are the best and that they deserve the best, go tell them! We cannot lose our children to a world that would harm them and use them for destructive purposes. Our children and family members..and friends..are the only ones we can bring into eternity. Invest now. If you don't invest will invest in the future..and it will be in legal fees, counseling for broken hearts, and in so many other ways for the rest of their lives. Sow now and sow carefully.
Haven't done everything just right? Begin can still make a difference. Give your dreams, hopes, disappointments, brokenness..all of it, to Jesus. He can help you re-build your life, one step at a time.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Proud of My Boy
Wednesday afternoon, my mother sent me a note and said that she and my father would take the boys with them to church so that Lesh and I could enjoy the more "adult friendly" event without the boys. We agreed, and then told the boys they would be going to church instead of the reception. I could see Jonah was torn, but he surprised me with this. "Okay mom. Tell Brother Rodenbush that I said "hi"." I agreed. "And tell him congratulations." I assured him that I would. He continued "and tell him that I said thank you for telling all the people in the world about Jesus...okay mom?" I agreed to do that, and then I went in my room and got all weepy. So proud of my boy and that he understands that is worth celebrating.
Before we left, he made me repeat the message I would be relaying to Brother Rodenbush. Then he said "If you forget what to say mom, just call me and I will tell you." LOL
Lesh delivered the message to Brother Rodenbush. Jonah has a heart of gold. I couldn't love that child more than I do.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Losing His 1st Tooth
The tooth fairy didn't mind that it was missing. She wrote a return note, and blessed him with two dollars. We documented the occasion with photos. :)
(with all his teeth)
(his note to the Tooth Fairy)
(her note)
(the missing tooth)
(Jude wanted his picture taken too...he thinks this is super funny and likes looking at pictures of himself making funny faces.)
Saturday, July 3, 2010

I love Independence Day. I love the patriotic music, the fireworks, the show of patriotism and love for country, and the celebrations.
This evening, I set off some "pretty" fireworks with Jonah and Jude. Jonah loved them..Jude screamed.
Side note to all you parents with small children: Our "Dad's Fireworks" (on Hwy N by the animal hospital) had these really LOOOONG sparklers that were awesome! They were much prettier than the small ones and the stem on them was so long they don't burn your hands. Jonah LOVED them and for all of you who know him, he's VERY cautious about everything.
While he was waiting for me to light another sparkler with the punk, Jonah started singing our national anthem. Unprovoked. I was really proud that he made the connection. I love that child, and I am so grateful for the incredible freedoms that we still have. Have you read the Declaration of Independence lately? It is an incredible is the Constitution. Our forefathers had strong vision and gave their lives to see that vision come to pass. Great men and women are still giving their lives to insure our freedoms. Thank you to every person who has served in the armed forces to defend our nation. You are amazing.
I am also really grateful for the spiritual freedom that I have since being filled with God's Spirit. There is nothing like it..nothing compares. Thank you Jesus for the blood that you shed for my freedom so many years ago. I am free because of you!
Happy Independence Day to you all and God bless America!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Father's Day 2010

This year he is C collar, wheelchair, boot, and walker free, walked up and down stairs and even rode his bike!!

We had a great Father's Day service, spent the afternoon at my parents' home and Paw Paw and Maw Maw, and my brother and sister and I all swam with the kids!
God has been so very good to our family. His healing power is evident in Lesh's life every day. Lesh is regaining strength, stamina, and getting back to doing the things he loves to do. What a difference a year makes!
The photo in my blog header in the upper right-hand corner was Lesh with Jonah and Jude in 2009. (He took of the C-collar because he needed to cool off from the heat.)
I am so thankful for the great men that are influencing my sons. Happy Father's Day to Lesh, "Paw Paw Larry" (my father), Papa Jake, Jeff (my brother), Kent (Lesh's brother..soon to be a daddy!), Jean Guy (my brother-in-law), and a host of awesome family and friends. Our lives are blessed because of you.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Splish Splash!!/video/video.php?v=432292269433
Patriotic Party Decor' - Martha Style
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Family Dinner

Friday, May 7, 2010

I'm feeling blue this afternoon. Just plain sad. I had take Callie, our calico cat, to the vet today and she advised we put her to sleep. We noticed that she had been losing weight and had not been very active the past week or two. Dr. Elly Kelly said she had liver and probably kidney disease as well. She opened her mouth to expose her teeth and showed me that her gums were yellowing which meant she was jaundiced. She was down to eight pounds. Dr. Kelly said there was nothing she could do to make Callie liver or kidney transplants. She said she could give her fluids to "prop her up" so to speak, but that it would only prolong her suffering. Lesh had already given me the go ahead to have her put to sleep if the prognosis wasn't good. I would have insisted that he take her, but today is his birthday and I didn't think it would be very nice for him to have to put her down on his birthday.
It was pretty quick. She was resting on a little metal table and I pet her. She rested her head in my hand. Dr. Kelly came in and gave her a shot to sedate her. She slowly lowered her head. She was very peaceful and only licked her lips really often and then just stopped. I thought she might already be gone after a minute or two because she didn't move at all. Her eyes were still open. Then I noticed she was still breathing. Dr. Kelly then returned and gave her the second shot. Callie was gone within thirty seconds.
I didn't realize how much I would miss her. I couldn't even speak to the cashier for crying. Still can't. I feel like a baby for crying so much...silly for grieving for a cat, but she was ours for over ten years.
We found her, or she found us, in Moss Bluff, Louisiana while visiting with our friends Ken and Lisa. She was tiny and we fed her leftover steak from Copelands. She decided she liked that kind of life and wouldn't leave. When we went inside for the night, she was not happy. In whatever room we were in, she would find the window and begin to scratch on the window and "meow". We couldn't even whisper in bed that night because there was a window by the headboard and she found us and scratched on the window. We drove around the neighborhood the next day to see if anyone knew who she belonged to and no one did. So, we said our goodbyes to our friends, drove to PetsMart, stocked up on supplies and headed for St. Louis. She sat on my lap the entire trip home.
She was a calico in nature. Thought she was better than everyone else. She loved to lick the tuna remnants from a can, and she loved to be held and petted, by Lesh and I. She wasn't very friendly to others. She loved to wrestle, but she wasn't de-clawed, so you could expect to walk away bleeding. I have lots of little scars on my hands from playing with her. She was very loyal and exceptionally beautiful.
She was very much the "uppity" cat, but she loved Lesh and would follow him around the yard like a dog. When he was in the hospital last year, she missed him very much.
I have a beautiful picture of her that I took when she was only one or two. Can't find it. Will post it when I do. These are the last four photos I took of her.
I loved you Callie and I will miss you very much.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Jude's favorite song to sing..
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Note: I began writing this on Thursday...just now publishing it.
One year ago tomorrow, my husband was involved in a near fatal motor vehicle accident. It was actually on a Thursday, so it seems to be hitting me a little harder today. He had left early in the morning to go fishing at Montauk. On his return trip, it was raining, and according to the cars traveling behind him, his Nissan Frontier began to hydroplane. He lost control and had a head-on collision with an F150 full size pickup truck. Thankfully, the other driver sustained no injuries except for a broken toe. Lesh did not fair so well. He was ejected from his truck and sustained multiple fractures and contusions. His injuries included a fractured neck (C2), a brain contusion, three skull fractures in the area of his right temporal lobe, fractured collarbones, fractured right scapula, fractured cheekbones, a broken and nearly severed off arm, (lots of plates in there now), broken left leg (above and below his knee..repaired with steel rods and plates), a lung contusion, broken ribs, bruised spleen with internal bleeding..that is off the top of my head.
When he did not return home at the expected time, I began calling his cell phone. My calls went straight to voicemail each time and the anxiety began to grow in me. (will tell you about the calls later) I experienced a myriad of emotions wondering where he could be. I thought perhaps he stopped in Wright City for a last minute fishing experience at our friend Don's pond. But I knew that his cell phone would work there. After an hour or two, I began calling sheriff departments between Lake Saint Louis and Montauk. No one knew anything. After another hour, I called my mother. I had put that call off knowing that she would go into an all out panic. She came to my house and I thought to call the State Patrol..they have a larger network and I thought perhaps they might know something. I was on my home phone with a trooper who was checking his computer when my cell phone began to ring and Caller ID identified it as St. John's Medical Mercy Center in St. Louis. I broke out in a cold sweat and ended the call with the trooper before he had a chance to tell me that he know what had happened to Lesh. (more on that later)
The hospital chaplain asked me to come to the hospital as quickly as I could, safely. I inquired about Lesh's injuries and she said "he has many injuries". I asked if he had broken bones? internal bleeding? And she said "yes, he has all of those." I then asked if he would live until I got there, and she replied "we're doing the best we can. But please drive safely." I grabbed my purse and my boys and started running for my mother's car. She had been next door at our church telling the ladies that our bible study would be cancelled and asked them to pray. Many of them jumped in their cars and followed us to the hospital. The rest of them began calling church members to ask for prayer.
Once in the car, I called the chaplain back and asked for more details and to find out if he was still alive. She told me that he had many fractures and some internal bleeding but couldn't give more detail over the phone. I pleaded but I guess it was against some hospital policy. I rode along trying not to cry too hard in front of my boys. I was absolutely terrified, a little numb, and mentally sketching a life with my boys without Lesh. I would glance back at them frequently and smile and say "Daddy was in a car accident and has some boo boos but he is going to be just fine." I didn't want them to be fearful. My mother was on the phone all the way there and Jonah was soaking it in. He was catching more than we wanted him to..
Once we arrived, my mother dropped me at the door and went to park the car, keeping the boys with her. I ran back to the trauma area where Lesh was being treated and was directed into a family waiting room for trauma patients. I had to wait about fifteen minutes before they would let me see him. They didn't want to let me in at all, but I begged and promised that I would not get in the ER and "flip out". I promised to remain calm and told them I would leave when they asked me to. A minister in our church, Billy Babb, had beat me to the hospital and was waiting in the waiting room when I arrived. He had been shopping very near the hospital when his wife notified him of what had happened. Looking back, I know God allowed him to be there to help me remain calm. In his own way, Billy tried to prepare me for "the worst".
When I was finally allowed to see Lesh, Billy went in with me. Lesh was "a mess". I had determined that I would not cry before I entered the room because I didn't want the staff to make me leave, so I looked him over, wide eyed, and fighting back tears. His head was very swollen, his "nearly severed arm" was elevated above his body and hanging on a pole of some kind. His abdomen was swollen, his leg was blooding and swollen, and blood was draining out of his right ear. He was intubated and breathing with the aid of a machine. I did my best to remain calm. I looked at Billy and he had a pretty grave expression on his face. I asked Dr. Peick (the lead Trauma physician) if he was going to live. Looking away from me she replied "We're doing the best we can." I glanced at Billy and then mustered up some courage and said "then we're going to pray". I asked Dr. Peick if Lesh could hear me and she said she didn't know. In the chance that he could, I spoke positively to him. I didn't want him to think he was so badly injured that he shouldn't fight to live. So I said things like "Lesh, it's Jen. You're at St. John's Hospital and you have been in a car accident, but you're receiving really awesome care here. This is the best trauma center in the city and they are going to fix you up. I love you very much." Then I began to pray so that Lesh could hear me. I said "God you made Lesh's body and you know exactly what kind of injuries he has and You know exactly how to fix him. We are believing that You will do just that. We pray in Jesus' name. " We had to leave the room then, and once out of the room, it felt like my strength just drained from my body and I felt like a noodle. I began to sob. I cried until I was physically hurting. I walked back into the family waiting area, and more of my family had arrived. We all cried together. The hospital liason came back frequently with more reports. They were more dreadful each time. "He may lose his arm. He may lose his leg. He may have permanent brain damage. He may not live." We cried more and hugged more.
I must stop and tell you that I have the best family in the world. Billy and Anita Babb and their children remained there with us. I'm not sure what I would have done without these dear friends and family.
I remember asking the liason to please just tell them to do what they could for his brain. A person can live a pretty normal life without a leg or an arm, but permanent brain damage is so devastating. The liason came back with updates every few moments and finally came back and said that we should start moving toward a larger waiting room close to the OR. By that time, close to thirty people had gathered and we moved down the hall like a herd. My children joined us then and as we walked, I tried to comfort them. I felt almost ashamed for crying so hard. I wanted to be strong and put on a brave face for them. Jonah was fearful and it was reflected in his face. Jude didn't really understand what was going on but he knew that I was upset and he began to cry. Some dear friends, the Hances, offered to take them to the cafeteria to get them something to eat. I wanted them with me, but I knew that it would be better if they could get their minds on something else. I hugged them and and told them they would be getting ice cream..I was hoping that would cheer them up. As we were still walking, Brother Billy Babb walked along side and handed me his phone and said that Brother Ricky Treece was on the line and wanted to talk to me. I said "Hello" and began to cry again. He told me that they were on their knees in their living room praying and that Jesus wanted me to know that just as He had told Jairus, "Don't be afraid. Just believe." Those words were like a rope sent from heaven..something I could hang on to. We ended the call and I shared what he had said with my mother and Brother Billy because I wanted faith to rise in them as well. By the time we reached the surgery waiting center, some other folks greeted us as well. Within a few minutes, Pastor Scott Graham and a group of Gateway students gathered with us. Brother Graham had us stand together to pray.
I cannot accurately describe what that prayer did for me, and what I know it did for Lesh as well. I have often heard people talk about how the Holy Spirit is "The Comforter", but I had never experienced "The Comforter" as I did that evening. As we began to cry out to God, the Spirit of God began to surround me in a way that I have never, ever known. I felt a weight lifting off of me and a calm fill my heart. I felt a warmth surrounding me, and I actually began to smile as the group continued to pray. True joy filled me. Joy that I didn't that was given to me by God. God's comfort to me was supernatural.
Brother David Jackson was walking through the hospital looking for us and actually followed Lesh as he was being pushed down the hall toward the OR. He said he was praying for him as he walked and then he began to hear a roar that got louder and louder as he got closer to the waiting room where we were gathered. I know that God was already responding to our prayer and working on Lesh's behalf.
(To be continued.)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
My Baby Is Four

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Our Weekend
We then gathered on Main Street in historic St. Charles and leisurely strolled through some little shops. Very relaxing. Bought some DELICIOUS sauce, a dip mix, some paper at an WONDERFUL scrapbooking/paper store. Didn't spend a lot but it was just fun to walk around and inhale the very fragrant lilac..I need some of that in my yard!
I stopped by Michael's on my way home for a sheet of glass to replace the one that was accidentally smashed (into a thousand little pieces) last weekend. I love those little bargain bins Michael's now sports. They always have unusual things..I bought Jonah and Jude each a two dollar harmonica. They loved them..the beautiful strains have been floating around our house ever since. They aren't ready to join a bluegrass band yet, but they are sure having fun with them.
Had a wonderful service today. Ate lunch, dropped our boys off at my parents' home and then rode with Jean Guy and Julia to New Life Evangelistic Center downtown for our first offical Servolution project. It was so much fun..will post pics later on Facebook. It was a great experience and I am so proud that we had some of our CHOSEN youth there as well. It is always good to get past "yourself" and help someone else. We, mankind, are so prone to think about ourselves. Helping whatever capacity, is vital to our mental, spiritual and emotional health. Feeling depressed? Go help someone. It's really not "all about us". It's about Him and sharing His love with others.
Returned to my parents' home and visited with everyone. Jean Claire put on a show for us..and I do mean a show. She writes songs and makes them up and does choreography to them as she goes. She has an incredible imagination..that kid has a future on Broadway. LOL!! Uncle Lesh captured some of it on his phone video I will post some of it. We were all fighting to keep a straight face during her "performance". She's so stinkin' cute.
Came home and put Jonah and Jude to bed. Is there anything better than this?

Encourage Someone Today
Don't be a sideline critic. It's a sad way to live life and a little pathetic.
Want to make a difference in someone’s life? Want to see someone smile? Offer an encouraging word. You never know just how far that blessing will take that person. Try it today!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Boys..what else can I say?
Today we ran some errands as a family. I did some practice reading with Jonah in the car as Lesh drove. As he read the words, he used them in a sentence. (His idea.) One of the words he read was "gas". Jonah said, "g -a -s, gas! Like gas in a car! Or like gas in your body!" He then starts laughing hysterically. Jude joined in. This evening, they were throwing a beachball up and down the stairs and this is what I listened to for about five minutes.
Jonah loves to dance..he's going to kill me for this video when he's older. I'm thinking "great blackmail material!" hehe...
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
"I had a hard day"

The weather is so warm and Jude keeps asking to go swimming. (It's not warm enough to swim yet.) Yesterday, he was bugging me to death about it, so I finally tried to distract him with the promise of a popsicle to cheer him up. That is the other thing he begs for (in addition to more candy). He brightened his expression and then started frowning again and said "Yeah, a popsicle would be good. I've had a hard day." Then he made that "harump" noise with his mouth as if to shake his head. I thought of his day and started laughing. He ate breakfast, watched a movie, played with his toys, ate lunch, went outside to play in the yard, ran through my hose, rode his "bike", wrestled with his brother, and wrote on our driveway with sidewalk chalk. Wish I had a hard day every day! :)
My Growing Boys
So Jonah learned how to whistle on Sunday. My father said he whistled throughout our church service. :) He's growing so fast it's sad and wonderful all at the same time. I couldn't be more proud of him.
And Jude.:) Yesterday, he wanted to wear his cowboy boots. With his shorts. I let him. We went to quite a few stores and he just strutted around like he was big stuff in those boots. He is a Kling-on lately..meaning he sticks to me like velcro. He always wants to know if I am sitting on his side of the car if we are going somewhere. And if I sit down on the sofa, he's there in a flash, touching my hair and sucking his fingers.
These days won't last forever..I'm soaking them up.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Easter boys

Here are my sweeties on Easter Sunday. Their outfits made me crave those creamsicles from the Schwann's trucks that used to come around our neighborhood.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
My favorite hikers

Our family took a few days to explore our home state this week and had fun visiting Branson, Johnson's Shut Ins, Big Springs, and climbing to the top of Elephant Rocks. Just nine months ago, Lesh was in a wheelchair. Now he's hiking up huge boulders. Thank you God!
Here's a photo of my favorite hikers.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Snow Play & Snow Cream
Jonah and I took our orange plastic sled to the edge of the church parking lot and I gave him a push and let him coast down the back of our yard. The first time, it was fun. But the second, third, and fourth times, he sailed as it was more packed down. On a trip up the hill, Jonah panted excitedly, "Wow Mom! You're great! This was a great plan!" Those few words will fuel me for weeks to come.
Our cheeks were turning red and my ears felt like they might fall off, so we gathered up all the clean snow we could fit into one of my silver mixing bowls and came inside. We mixed cream, milk, vanilla, sugar, and even some agave syrup into the snow and made delicious snow cream...made me miss my Grandma Urich. It was fun to tell Jonah about her.