I am so thankful that I married a man that believes in me, appreciates my talents and skills, and that he encourages me to be all that I can be through Jesus Christ. If you are a young woman still trying to find your life partner, I hope you take time and care and choose a man as great as mine. Any man who loves you will do so through his words and his actions. Marriage is a beautiful, lifelong commitment. Choose carefully..if you don't, you will set yourself up for a lifetime of heartbreak. You have heard "we sow what we reap." Well, it's true. The choices you are making right now..today, will affect the rest of your life.
Here are some signs you might have the right guy:
1. He serves God wholeheartedly.
2. He respects and honors you.
3. He respects biblical boundaries.
4. He respects and honors your family.
5. Your "true friends" like him. (Not the friends that agree with everything you say..)
6. You are not ashamed to introduce him to the people who care about you the most.
I was blessed with really awesome parents who encouraged my sister, my brother and I to choose carefully when choosing who we would date and who we would marry. (You will most definitely marry someone you have dated..right?) I always knew that my parents believed that I was an incredible young woman, that they believed that my well being was more important than any amount of fame, popularity, or wealth, and that they knew I deserved the best.
Parents, if your children do not know that you think they are the best and that they deserve the best, go tell them! We cannot lose our children to a world that would harm them and use them for destructive purposes. Our children and family members..and friends..are the only ones we can bring into eternity. Invest now. If you don't invest now..you will invest in the future..and it will be in legal fees, counseling for broken hearts, and in so many other ways for the rest of their lives. Sow now and sow carefully.
Haven't done everything just right? Begin now..you can still make a difference. Give your dreams, hopes, disappointments, brokenness..all of it, to Jesus. He can help you re-build your life, one step at a time.